Welltec公司近日宣布,2019年第二季度在刚果首次实施了真正的无固井完井作业。基于Moho North Albian油田持续应用Welltec环形屏障(WAB)所获得的宝贵经验,道达尔刚果勘探开发公司在裸眼中利用Welltec环空封隔(WAI)技术,来进行全球首例无固井完井作业。该公司想要通过此举,进一步推动可膨胀式金属环空封隔技术的发展。
道达尔刚果勘探开发公司钻完井经理Ronan Bouget说:“我们公司利用创新技术与方法, 不断改善Moho North Albian油田开发项目的钻井作业时效。我们是Welltec WAB技术的早期采用者,在刚果主要石油项目开发期间,该技术确保了层间隔离与环形密封(尾管到地层)。WAI作为全球作业提效的驱动力,可减少钻井成本支出,同时,在这个非均质性高的碳酸盐岩油田,它还有助于维持可盈利的产量。”
“Manfred Bledou领导的Albian油藏团队、Guillaume Viger领导的完井部门与Welltec公司合作开发了这项技术。得益于WAI的简易性,我们第一次应用便取得了成功,且没有出现任何作业问题。我们对井身结构进行了逐步改进,并计划在后续油井中应用WAI,尤其是那些被确定为高风险的油井。”
Welltec非洲公司高级副总裁Gbenga Onadeko解释道:“毫无疑问,WAI技术将改变油气行业未来的建井方式。我们为与道达尔刚果勘探开发公司的合作感到自豪,这表明我们有能力研发出创新技术,来简化操作、避免风险、提高作业效率。我们致力于研发与提供突破性的解决方案,帮助客户优化其资产的管理与开发,WAI技术便是最好的证明。”
Welltec公司根据ISO 14310 V6至V3漏失标准设计与测试了WAI的适用范围,结果可靠。通过钻机泵设备为井筒施加压力,WAI可膨胀式金属滑套会被激活,迅速膨胀,形成保障。利用一系列符合要求的弹性密封件,在全周向金属与岩石接触翼片的支撑下,可防止密封件在高压差下挤压变形,从而实现对裸眼内径的密封。
- 在层状油藏段,可替代注水泥固井;
- 选择性生产,选择性增产,堵水;
- WAI适用于裸眼段、下套管段以及恶劣环境。
- 坚固耐用,全焊接,金属结构;
- 可膨胀性保证,膨胀能力强;
- 在全膨胀范围内,可承受恒定的高压差;
- 不会提前膨胀,符合NACE标准。
- 可在部署期间旋转,使尾管能够在恶劣井况下顺利下入至井底;
- 超薄的外径,可在部署期间大排量循环;
- WAB拥有快速坐封的特性,缩短了投产时间;
- 拥有高速循环能力,全通径。
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Welltec has announced the first deployment of a truly cementless completion in the Republic of Congo during the second quarter of 2019. Building on the experience gained through the continuous deployment of the Welltec Annular Barrier (WAB) in Moho North Albian field, which was awarded the first quarter of 2017, Total E&P Congo has pushed the boundaries of Metal Expandable Annular Sealing technology even further by deploying the world’s first cementless completion using the Welltec Annular Isolation (WAI) in open hole.
The WAI uses multiple metal expandable packers to provide long length open hole zonal isolation to replace the functions of traditional cement, leading to significant gains in efficiency in the overall well construction process. It significantly reduces the free annulus space between the liner/casing and the open hole which can be beneficial in highly layered reservoirs of varying permeability where selective production, stimulation or water shut off is required. In addition to the efficiency gains, the simplified well completions operations enabled by the WAI eliminated multiple operational risks associated with the cementing process in depleted and over-pressured reservoirs.
“Total E&P Congo have utilized innovative technologies and methods to continually improve the drilling curve on the Moho North Albian field development project,” says Ronan Bouget, the Drilling and Completions Manager of Total E&P Congo. “We were early adopters of Welltec’s WAB technology which has assisted in ensuring zonal isolation and annular sealing (liner to formation) during the development of our major oil project in the Republic of Congo. The WAI was deployed as part of the global efficiency drive to reduce drilling expenditure whilst maintaining the beneficial productivity index in this highly heterogenous carbonate field. Our Albian Asset team led by Manfred Bledou and the completion department led by Guillaume Viger worked with Welltec to develop the technology. The simplicity of the WAI enabled us to successfully deploy the technology the first time without operational issues. We delivered a step change improvement in our well construction record and plan to deploy the WAI in subsequent wells – especially those identified as high-risk.”
“The WAI technology will without doubt transform how future wells are constructed in the industry,” explains ‘Gbenga Onadeko, senior V.P., Welltec Africa. “We are proud of this collaboration with Total E&P Congo to demonstrate our ability to deploy game-changing innovation that can simplify, eliminate risks and enhance operational efficiency. This world-first deployment of the WAI technology is very important as we progress our mission – to develop and deliver ground-breaking solutions which enable our client to optimize the management and development of their assets.”
The Welltec® Annular Isolation (WAI) provides long length open hole zonal isolation, significantly reducing the free annulus space between the liner (casing) OD and the open hole ID. The removal of this annular space can be beneficial in highly layered reservoirs of varying permeability, where selective production, stimulation or water shut off is required.
At Welltec, we design and test the WAI range (Welltec Annular Isolation) in accordance to IS0 14310 V6 to V3 leak criteria.
The WAI metal expandable sleeve is hydraulically expanded quickly, under full surface control via the application of well bore pressure using the rig pumps. Sealing on the ID of the open hole is achieved via a series of compliant, elastomeric seals, backed up by full circumferential metal to rock contact fins that prevent seal extrusion under high differential pressure.
- Cement replacement across laminated & highly layered reservoir sections
- Selective production
- Selective stimulation
- Water shut off
- WAI can be incorporated within open hole, cased hole and hostile environments
- Rugged, all welded, metallic construction
- Expansion assurance
- High expansion capability
- Constant, high pressure ∆p over full expansion range
- No premature expansion
- NACE compliant
- Rotatable during deployment enabling liner to TD in challenging environments
- Slim OD allows for high rate circulation during deployment
- Rapid set nature of WAB reduces time to production
- High rate circulation capability
- Full bore – as per casing / tubing