Decmil周二表示,集团的全资子公司Decmil Australia Pty有限公司与BG集团的全资子公司QGC Pty有限公司签订Brownfield合作框架协议,该框架协议有效期为两年。
Decmil Australia在过去的五年里,一直与QGC保持合作关系,本次井口装置以及brownfield项目系列服务延续了双方已有的合作伙伴关系。
来自/RigZone 5月24日消息 编译/张弘引
Decmil Group Ltd. (Decmil or Company) disclosed Tuesday that a wholly owned subsidiary, Decmil Australia Pty Ltd. (DA) has secured a new two year Framework Agreement with QGC Pty Ltd. (QGC) (being a wholly owned subsidiary of BG Group) for brownfield Projects within the Surat Basin in Queensland, Australia.
The Framework Agreement will span the remainder of 2016 and to April 2018 and the scope includes the provision of construction activities, structural, mechanical and piping (SMP) services across a number of QGC’s brownfield projects.
DA has been working with QGC in the Surat Basin for the past five years under a contract that involves the installation of wellheads and its entry into brownfield services for QGC is an extension to the existing relationship DA has with QGC.
Works are expected to commence in June.
- 张弘引
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