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当前,油气勘探与开发公司优先考虑投资非常规资源,服务公司也紧跟风潮,加速推进完井技术发展,以满足开发商不断增长的技术需求。在持续的技术创新中,开发商的态度非常明确,即进一步降低成本是绝对必要的。“情况不再只是新技术可以为运营商带来什么改变,而是它将如何影响桶油成本。”Enventure的销售总监Mark Villarreal说。
为了实现降低成本的目标,许多开发商逐渐开始使用作业区附近的压裂砂进行压裂。 这可以将支撑剂成本降低50%以上。Wood Mackenzie预计美国支撑剂市场的一半已经被作业区附近砂子占据。
优异连接性能 解决高温重复压裂难题
为了满足提高产量的目标,水平井的长度逐渐增加,压裂速率和压裂砂、支撑剂用量也随之提高。同时,作业范围也在逐渐拓宽,尤其是高温环境重复压裂作业频率逐渐提高。为了满足此类作业的需求,Enventure近日升级了ESeal 3.0 RF尾管系统,相比于上一代产品,其连接强度提高了16%,高温作业系统的连接强度较上一代产品提高了40%。

Enventure近日升级了ESEAL 3.0 RF尾管系统,相比于上一代产品,常规尾管工具连接强度提高了16%,高温系统连接强度提高40%。
Enventure的Villarreal表示,早在几年前重复压裂没有获得像现在的热度时,许多开发商已经开始选择其作为提高产量的方式,尤其是在Eagle Ford和Permian地区。在过去几年中,许多开发商以不同的方式进行了重复压裂实验,获得了许多有价值的经验和知识。
压裂短节 消除连续油管应用
近日,NOV推出了BPS Maxx技术,其建立在爆破系统基础之上,可以建立油藏与井筒之间的连接,为后续作业打下基础,例如井下封堵桥塞部署,创造自动流道等。
BPS Maxx井底激活短节通过液压激活,专用于水平井完井中底部压裂液注入,无需额外的干预作业。该工具可以消除连续油管下入射孔枪或电缆下入牵引器操作,建立井底与油藏连接更容易。
NOV完井工具经理Reza Rastegar说:“此项技术改变了传统的作业方式,井筒产率更高。它消除了连续油管作业,将之前影响增产的区域转变为新的投资点。”
在三个BPS Maxx短节中分别使用连个套管短节连接,创造了趾部第一级射孔簇,消除了趾部初始活化和其它准备工作的必要。在BPS Maxx的帮助下,第一级产层的压裂泵入速率高达96bpm,地面最大作业压力达到了8800psi。
今年, NOV 的Setter系列复合材料压裂桥塞在Permian实现了应用。一家开发商想要对比几种不同的复合桥塞应用效果,评估标准包括磨铣时间、是否能够下入指定深度等。


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Upgraded Connection for High-Temperature Refracs
As operators continue to push laterals out farther and farther, fracturing rates have been increasing, as have the amount of sand and proppant used per frac job. Operating envelopes are also being extended, particularly in terms of high-temperature refracturing operations. To meet the demands of such applications, Enventure recently upgraded the connection in its ESeal 3.0 RF liner system. This new standard version has connections that are 16% stronger than the previous generation, while the high-temperature version offers connections that are 40% stronger.
Mr Villarreal with Enventure noted that while refracs are not as hot a topic as it was a few years ago, many operators are still choosing refracs as the way to boost production, particularly in basins like the Eagle Ford and Permian. Further, companies have been experimenting with different ways of refracturing for the past several years and have been gaining valuable experience and knowledge in the process.
“Back in 2014 to 2016, a lot of refracs were being done with chemical or particulate diversion. Then, in 2017, 2018 and now 2019, the marketplace has discovered that’s not really an effective method to refrac with.” In fact, Enventure believes that most operators now agree mechanical diversion is the best way to divert a refrac, he said. With mechanical diversion, all old perforations are isolated, and the interval can be completely refracked with plug & perf operations.
The ESeal refrac system uses solid expandable mechanical diverters. Each can effectively create a new wellbore with the maximum inside diameter for the isolation of existing perforations, thereby providing more flow to the reservoir.
The refrac liner can also be used in conjunction with the extreme limited entry (XLE) fracking technique, Mr Villareal said. “Performing an XLE job with our expandable gives you the means to pump longer stages, which essentially drive down your cost by, in some cases, 20-30%.”
Disruptive Technology Eliminates Use of Coiled Tubing
National Oilwell Varco (NOV) recently launched the BPS Maxx, which builds on the original burst port system that is used to create a path of flow to the formation for future operations, such as running a plug downhole or creating passive flow.
In a recent case study in the Anadarko Basin, the operator wanted to maximize the contribution from the reservoir, while increasing efficiency and minimizing risk during plug and perf operations.
The hydraulically activated BPS Maxx toe initiation sub was designed for use in horizontal completions to establish injection of fluid at the toe without intervention. This also eliminates the need for traditional tubing-conveyed perforating guns or wireline tractors as a means of gaining access to the formation at the toe.
“This is a disruptive technology,” said Reza Rastegar, Completions Tool Operations Manager with NOV. “It drastically changes the process and makes it more productive. It eliminates the use of coiled tubing and turns a zone that used to be an economical barrier into an investment.”
The sub has a flow area that is approximately three times bigger than the original BPS, which reduces the risk of plugging from debris left in the casing after cementing operations. It can be used in both cemented and uncemented applications and can be installed as a single port or in multiples to create a full-stage cluster.
Three BPS Maxx subs were installed with two casing joints in between to create a first frac stage cluster eliminating toe initiation and prep work. The BPS Maxx enabled the operator to frac the first stage with an average stimulation rate of 96 bpm at a max surface treating pressure of 8,800 psi.
Eliminating the toe initiation stage provided more reservoir contact area, and downsizing the shoe track length eliminated the risk associated with plug and perf operations on the first stage.
NOV this year has also deployed its Setter Series composite frac plugs in Lea County, N.M., for a Permian operator that wanted to evaluate drill-out results from multiple composite plugs, including time required for drill-out and plugs tagged on depth.
The Setter Series plugs have a compact design and all-composite construction that allow for an average drill-out time of 4 minutes, as well as less debris to remove from the wellbore. The plugs also feature castellated lower slips for even slip distribution during setting and reduce incidents of plugs not being tagged during drill-out.
Out of the nine plug providers that were evaluated by this operator across multiple wells, the Setter Series plugs had the quickest drill and wash times, and 100% of these plugs were tagged on depth.
The plugs were run and set with speeds up to 500 ft/min and maximum pump rates of 12 bbl/min. Average drill time for 49 plugs was 4.1 minutes per plug.