248区块经营商Wintershall Norge AS在北海Vega区块石油勘探结果并不尽如人意。
35/8-6 A井在油气储藏量较少的Heather储层钻探到厚10英尺的油层,目前预计该储层可采原油约为20万到100万立方米。目前,该井已永久废弃。
35/8-6 A井由Borgland Dolphin半潜式钻机进行钻探。目前,该井在Wintershall Norge AS经营的北海248 F区块的35/11-19 S正进行初探工作。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自/RigZone 5月23日消息 编译/张弘引
Wintershall Norge AS, operator of production license 248, has made a small oil discovery near the Vega field in the North Sea.
Well 35/8-6 A encountered a 10-foot oil column in the Heather formation with poor reservoir quality. Preliminary estimates concerning the size of the discovery range between 0.2 and 1 million standard cubic metres of recoverable oil. The well has now been permanently plugged and abandoned.
Well 35/8-6 A was drilled by Borgland Dolphin (mid-water semisub), which is now heading to production license 248 F in the North Sea to drill wildcat well 35/11-19 S, which is operated by Wintershall Norge AS.
- 张弘引
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