英国公司Subsea 7发布消息称已和Beatrice Offshore Windfarm签订一项价值超过10亿美元的合同。根据合同规定,Subsea 7将为Beatrice 在苏格兰海域的风机基础和电缆系统提供工程设计、采购、施工和安装(EPCI)服务。
Subsea 7将和Seaway Heavy Lifting合作,为84个风力涡轮机提供项目管理、设计以及安装服务;并对海上传输模块进行安装和运输。
海上安装活动将在2017年和2018年进行,届时将启用Seaway Heavy Lifting旗下的Stanislav Yudin号和Oleg Strashnov起重船。
Subsea 7首席执行官Jean Cahuzac表示:迄今为止,这项海上风力发电场项目合同是Subsea 7在North Sea获得的最大订单,Subsea 7和Seaway Heavy Lifting在各自的领域都声誉颇高。这项合同的签订是对两家公司合同执行能力的认可,并且对Seaway Heavy Lifting而言,这是在海洋可再生能源市场上成为顶尖EPCI承包商的重要一步。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自/Splash247 5月23日消息 编译/赵宁
UK-based Subsea 7 has announced that it has been awarded a contract with over $1bn by Beatrice Offshore Windfarm for the engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) of the Beatrice wind farm turbine foundations and array cables, offshore Scotland.
Subsea 7, in alliance with Seaway Heavy Lifting, will project manage, design, engineer, fabricate and install EPCI jacket foundations and array cables for 84 wind turbines, and perform the transportation and installation of the offshore transmission modules.
Offshore installation activities will be executed in 2017 and 2018 using Seaway Heavy Lifting’s heavy-lift vessels, Stanislav Yudin andOleg Strashnov.
“This offshore wind farm project is our largest North Sea award to date. Subsea 7 and Seaway Heavy Lifting have a strong reputation in their respective areas of expertise. This contract recognises both companies’ capability to execute contracts safely, on time and within cost targets and is another major step forward in establishing Seaway Heavy Lifting as a leading EPCI contractor in the offshore renewables market,” said Jean Cahuzac, Subsea 7’s chief executive officer.
- 赵宁
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