在第23轮挪威石油授权环节中,Det norske oljeselskap ASA获得一个生产许可,两个合作许可。
高级副总裁Gro G. Haatvedt表示:“我方很高兴能获得该许可,公司可以借此机会促进企业发展和价值创造。”
近日,石油能源部宣布第23轮授权许可,将巴伦支海的40个区块的许可授予13个公司。Det norske公司得到一个生产许可和两个合作开发许可。
高级副总裁Gro G. Haatvedt表示该许可证是对公司实力的认可。
Det norske拥有PL858许可区块40%的生产权,其他合作伙伴是Lukoil,Statoil以及Petoro。同时公司获得Statoil公司PL 857许可区20%的合作开发权。除此之外,公司还获得PL 852许可区40%的合作开发权。
来自/OilVoice 5月19日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Det norske oljeselskap ASA has been awarded one operatorship and two partnerships in the 23rd licensing round. ‘We are very pleased with the awards. They provide Det norske with several exciting opportunities for growth and value creation’, says SVP Exploration, Gro G. Haatvedt.
The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) announced the awards of new licenses in the 23rd licensing round. Operatorships and participating interests were awarded to 13 companies in a total of 40 blocks in the Barents Sea. Det norske was awarded one operatorship and two partnerships.
SVP Exploration of Det norske, Gro G. Haatvedt, is very pleased with the awards, which confirm that the company has done a solid job.
Det norske has been awarded the operatorship for production licence (PL) 858 with a 40 per cent interest. Partners are Lukoil, Statoil and Petoro. Det norske has been awarded a 20 per cent participating interest in PL 857, operated by Statoil. In addition, the company has been awarded a 40 per cent participating interest in PL 852, where Centrica is the operator.
- 张弘引
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