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近日,Sercel宣布推出业内首款分布式声学传感(DAS)地震解决方案SigmaWave。 SigmaWave是与Fotech Solutions合作设计的全新产品,是第一个专为井下地震勘探应用而设计的集成分布式声学解决方案,并集成了加强型Sercel井下地震采集系统。DAS是一种革命性的光子传感技术,可将光纤转换为线性阵列的离散振动传感器。
Fotech Solutions首席执行官Chris Shannon表示:“SigmaWave是两个不同行业的领导者合作产物,我们共同展示了如何共同推动上游作业与应用创新的界限,并有机会为地震行业提供最佳的DAS技术。”
Sercel首席执行官Pascal Rouiller说:“我们推出的SigmaWave集成DAS解决方案为油气行业行业提供了一个完整的地震采集系统,其功能强大,作为一种即插即用型工具,可以提供准确的数据,适用于各种应用,且成本极低。其结果将帮助我们的客户改进油藏性质描述,提高采收率。”
技术优点:由于体积小,采用非侵入式的应用,非常适合永久安装;适于高压(高达30 kpsi)和高温(高达300℃)环境应用;传输距离最长10公里,支持大量数据的快速获取;采样点间距低至0.67米,数据质量大幅提高;成本低,简化永久部署;可与传统的基于电子的传感和测量系统结合使用,适用范围广。
提高数据质量:用户可定制标距长度,用于优化地震勘测;通过与Sercel井下地震检波器阵列相结合,是一种混合解决方案,功能强大,在必要时还可添加高灵敏度和3C地震检波器测量;定制De Regt DAS电缆(电缆和表面),高灵敏度光纤;可选择管道封装光纤电缆,实现永久安装。
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Sercel is the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of innovative seismic equipment and reservoir monitoring
instruments. Sercel provides oil field service companies and geophysical contractors with the widest range of leadingedge technologies for exploration in land, marine, ocean bottom, transition zone and reservoir environments
Sercel has announced the launch of its first distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) seismic solution, SigmaWave. Designed in partnership with Fotech Solutions, SigmaWave is the first integrated distributed acoustic solution designed exclusively for borehole seismic applications and reinforces Sercel’s advanced range of downhole seismic acquisition systems.
SigmaWave is fully integrated with Sercel’s existing downhole seismic tools and enables continuous, real-time seismic measurements along the entire length of a fiber optic cable. Whether by retrievable or permanent deployment, it is now possible to visualize and monitor the well in real time and instantly generate SEG-Y files. With unique features, such as user-selectable gauge length, acquiring the highest quality seismic data, without compromise, is now possible.
Seamless integration of Fotech’s cutting-edge fiber optic monitoring technology into Sercel’s market-leading seismic acquisition systems is a natural fit of best-in-class solutions and heralds a significant step-change in data quality and productivity levels.
Chris Shannon, Fotech Solutions CEO said, “SigmaWave represents the best of two industry leaders and demonstrates how, together, we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in upstream applications – with the opportunity to enable the best of DAS technology for the seismic industry.”
Pascal Rouiller, Sercel CEO said, “Our launch of the SigmaWave integrated DAS solution offers the borehole industry a complete seismic acquisition system that is robust and provides accurate data in a ready-to-use format, for a wide range of applications and at an accessible cost. It will enable our clients to improve the description of their reservoirs to enhance recovery.”
Distributed Acoustic Sensors (DAS) are a revolutionary photonic sensing technology that convert an optical-fiber into a linear array of discrete vibration sensors.
- Non-intrusive due to the small size – ideal for permanent installation
- High pressure (up to 30 kpsi) and high temperature resistance (up to 300 degC) with no in-well power
- Quickly acquire a large amount of data with long antenna (up to 10 km)
- Improved spatial sampling (down to 0.67 meter)
- Lower cost and easier permanent deployment
- Combinable with conventional electronic based sensing and measurement systems
- 3D/4D VSP on permanently installed fibers
- VSP on permanently installed fiber and on hybrid wireline
- Fully integrated source management, compatible with any type of seismic source
- Real-Time seismic data visualization and advanced quality control
- Real-time SEG-Y generation
- Combinability with Sercel downhole geophone arrays for hybrid combination
- User selectable gauge length for optimized seismic survey
- Hybrid solution capability via combination with Sercel downhole geophone arrays–adding in high-sensitivity and 3C geophone measurements where it is necessary
- Availability of custom De Regt DAS cables (wireline and surface)
- High-sensitivity fiber option
- Availability of custom tubing encapsulated fiber cables for permanent installation
- Sercel reputation in seismic equipment
- Fotech expertise in DAS technology
- Ruggedized field worthy packaging