JP3公司推出的新一代近红外Verax CTX烃组分及物性分析仪,专门应用于油气行业的储运等过程。该设备测量周期短,配备四个独立的光谱探测器、增强型光学组件及新型流体槽。较于早期版本,新一代分析仪在严苛作业环境中的测量速度、质量、重复性、稳定性与可靠性都有显著提高。
“第二代Verax CTX分析仪成功达到了我们的预定目标,可为油气行业上、中、下游客户提供多种实用功能及更大的经济效益,”Matt Thomas说道,JP3公司总裁兼CEO,“该新型分析仪不仅完全满足交接计量行业标准,所配备的光谱仪、处理器以及光路控制技术等方面功能的显著提高可使我们在未来数年内继续提升仪器作业性能并扩大应用范畴。”
Verax CTX 分析仪
近红外光谱专利技术与先进的化学统计技术的应用,使得第二代Verax CTX分析仪可在中数秒内测取液体或气体参数,这意味着设备使用寿命更长并可减少设备维护成本。Verax CTX分析仪是应用于油气行业液体或气体烃组分及物性分析的仪器,是第一种应用光学技术、可实现在线操控并可安装于作业现场的分析仪。
- 产出流体组分分析(C1-C9+)、天然气BTU、API重度及其他物性
- 测量周期仅为10秒
- 支持实时监控
- 可对天然气、液化天然气、凝析油、原油与精炼燃料等气体或液体开展分析
- 无需样品采集系统、零排放、零丢失
- 无需安装分析仪防护棚
- 可安装在输送管道内,在原始温度、压力条件下测量流体参数
- 应用近红外激光吸收光谱技术与化学统计模型等专利技术
- 无耗材、无废料,无需标定气体
- 多个流体槽的结构设计可实现多个流体测量
- 客户自定义流体槽设计,使免维护设备免于被污染
- 无线通讯与诊断功能
- 天然气厂分馏
- 燃气监测
- 蒸馏馏分
- 精馏塔在线控制
- 炼油厂掺混
- 卡车/坦克/火车装载和卸载控制
- 液化天然气掺混实时分析
- 平衡器优化
- 液体或原油蒸汽压力控制的实时分析
最新一代Verax CTX近红外光谱分析仪测量周期更短,配备四个独立的光谱探测器、增强型光学组件及新型流体槽。较于早期版本,新一代Verax CTX分析仪在严苛环境中的测量速度、质量、重复性、稳定性及可靠性都提到了显著提高。天然气或产出液经仪器分析后,可获取碳氢化合物组成、蒸汽压、单位体积的英热单位、API重度以及其他物理属性。该设备目前已经获得天然气交接计量应用认证。
Verax CTX分析仪支持在输送温度、压力条件下直接测量分析,省去了样品选择、样品运输等作业环节以及空调系统等设备配置。流体槽通过一对光纤电缆与分析仪相连接,使得分析仪可根据现场作业情况灵活调节安装位置。每个生产液流分析单元可支持任意数量的组分与物性参数测取。该设备的先进性还体现在无任何排放物、无需载气或标定气体。
近红外光谱专利技术与先进的化学统计技术的应用,使得第二代Verax CTX分析仪可在中数秒内对液体或气体流完成参数收集工作,无活动机件、无耗材、无需样品温压调节系统,这意味着设备使用寿命更长并可减少设备维护成本。设备中所应用的激光源经过恒定振幅校正与波长校正,在业内而言性能首屈一指。扫频激光光源提供了足量的光照强度,可以轻松测取低API度原油的参数。
Verax CTX分析仪先进性的电子通讯能力使其可以轻松嵌接到公司网络系统。此外,它还支持全年全天候监控作业,这使得地处偏远的无人作业区块也可实现分析监控并节约了作业成本。
来自/JP3 Measurement等 译者/姚园 编辑/Lemon
The Verax CTX™ represents JP3’s latest generation Near-Infrared analyzer designed specifically for oil and gas applications. With faster measurement times, four independent spectrometer detectors, enhanced optical components, and a new flow cell, the Verax CTX provides significant improvements in measurement speed, quality, repeatability, stability, and reliability in even the harshest environments. Natural gas or liquids can be accurately analyzed to obtain hydrocarbon composition, Vapor Pressure, BTU, API gravity, and other physical properties. Verax CTX is now certified for Natural Gas Custody Transfer applications as well.
The Verax measures with flow cells directly in the pipeline at operating pressure and temperature, requiring no sample transport, sample selection or conditioning systems. The optical Verax analyzer has no emissions, uses no carrier gases, no complex columns or switching valves, and is virtually maintenance free. Further, the technology provides measurement results in seconds as opposed to several minutes which is typical for other technologies.
“The Verax CTX has successfully achieved our goal to deliver a second generation Verax analyzer which provides significant new benefits and added capabilities for our customers in the upstream, midstream, and downstream markets,” stated Matt Thomas, JP3 President and CEO. “Not only does the Verax CTX significantly exceed custody transfer industry standards, but also includes major advancements in our spectrometer, processor, and optical path technologies that will allow us to continue to improve performance and expand our application range for years to come.”
Using patented Near-Infrared (NIR) optical spectroscopy and advanced chemometric techniques, Verax CTX provides readings in a matter of seconds, directly in both liquid and gas streams. No moving parts, no consumables, and no sample conditioning systems means longer life and reduced maintenance costs.
Verax CTX is the first optical, online, field-deployable analyzer for both liquids and gas available to the Oil & Gas industry.
Real-Time Analysis
- Produces stream composition (C1-C9+) and BTU (natural gas) or API gravity (liquids and crude) and more
- 10 second measurement cycle time
- Enables real-time monitoring and control
- Natural gas, NGL, condensate, crude oil and refined fuels capability
- No sampling system, zero emissions, zero lost product
- Requires no analyzer shelter
In-Line and Field Deployable
- Flow cell set in-line, at process pressure and temperature
- Utilizes NIR laser absorption spectroscopy and proprietary chemometric models
- No consumables, waste product, or calibration gas
- Multi-flow cell option for multiple stream measurement
- Custom flow cell design prevents fouling for maintenance-free use
- Wireless communications & diagnostic capability
Opportunities for Real-Time Analysis
- Gas plant fractionation
- Fuel gas monitoring
- Fractional distillation cuts
- On-line crude tower control
- Refinery blending
- Truck/tank/rail on-load and off-load control
- Real-time NGL product blending
- Stabilizer optimization
- Real-time vapor pressure control for liquids and crude
One Device Measures Composition and Properties of Gas and Liquids
The Verax CTX represents JP3’s latest generation Near-Infrared analyzer designed specifically for oil and gas applications. With faster measurement times, four independent spectrometer detectors, enhanced optical components, and a new flow cell, the Verax CTX provides significant improvements in measurement speed, quality, repeatability, stability, and reliability in even the harshest environments. Natural gas or liquids can be accurately analyzed to obtain hydrocarbon composition, Vapor Pressure, BTU, API gravity, and other physical properties. Verax CTX is now certified for Natural Gas Custody Transfer applications as well.
Measure in the Pipeline at Operating Pressure and Temperature
The Verax flow cell is installed directly in the process at operating pressure and temperature requiring no sampling or conditioning systems. The flow cell is connected to the analyzer by a single pair of fiber optic cables allowing the analyzer to be located as close to or far from the process as desired. Each process stream can support any number of compositional and physical measurements. Our advanced technology means the Verax analyzer produces no emissions and requires no carrier gases or calibration gases.
Solid State Spectroscopy for Rapid Response Time
Using patented Near-Infrared (NIR) optical spectroscopy and advanced chemometric techniques, Verax CTX provides readings in a matter of seconds, directly in both liquid and gas streams. No moving parts, no consumables, and no sample conditioning systems means longer life and reduced maintenance costs. Our patented laser source utilizes constant amplitude correction and wavelength calibration to deliver a source performance that is unmatched in the industry. The swept source laser provides light intensity strong enough to easily measure even the lowest API gravity crudes.
Internet Ready for Remote Monitoring
Verax’s advanced electronics and communication capabilities allow easy integration into your plant networks and systems. Verax also supports 24 x 365 monitoring making even the most remote unmanned applications possible and economical.
- Demons
- 毕业于中国石油大学(北京),化学工程与技术硕士,长期聚焦国内外石油行业前沿技术装备信息,具有数十万字技术文献翻译经验。如需获取更多技术资料,请联系Demons(QQ2582825239;微信15810965891)