中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油网3月15日斯塔万格报道,挪威能源巨头Equinor在过去三年里已经先后获得了当局对其提交的旨在延长挪威大陆架(NCS)上8个设施使用期限计划的批准。 这8个设施中有几个设施本来就计划关闭或者几年之后关闭。相反,这些设施使用期限的延长将为挪威大陆架提供更多油气作业时间。 Equinor负责挪威开发与生产业务的执行副总裁阿恩•西格夫•尼伦德表:“延长设施使用期限是管理资源的一种极好的方式,因为它能从已建立油田创造高价值,我们将与供应商合作,确保安全运营,每天减少排放。” 这8个被批准延长使用期限的设施包括Gullfaks A、B和C平台(使用期限延长到2036年/下同)、Oseberg East平台(2031)、Snorre A和B平台(2040)、Norne平台(2036)和Asgard A平台(2030)。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网 原文如下: Equinor to extend the life of eight NCS installations Equinor has received the authorities’ approval for extending the life of eight installations on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) during the last three years. Several of these installations were originally scheduled for shutdown already, or in only a few years. Instead, the extensions will give many more years of operation on the NCS. “Field life extension is an excellent way of managing resources, as it creates high value from established fields, where we cooperate with our suppliers on safe operation and lower emissions every single day. It also creates more activity offshore, in line with our ambition of pursuing our profitable and sustainable development of the NCS,” says Arne Sigve Nylund, executive vice president for Development and Production Norway. The eight life extensions involve Gullfaks A, B and C (2036), Oseberg East (2031), Snorre A and B (2040), Norne (2036) and Åsgard A (2030).