中国石化新闻网讯 据世界能源网2019年3月14日休斯顿报道,澳大利亚矿业和石油巨头必和必拓集团有限公司(必和必拓/BHP Group Ltd .)的一位高管在休斯敦表示,必和必拓已加强其在特立尼达和多巴哥(特多)海上的深海勘探钻井作业来寻找可能在本世纪20年代供应特多大西洋液化天然气(LNG)厂的天然气。 必和必拓负责勘探业务的副总裁Niall McCormack在休斯顿举行的CERAWeek能源会议间隙表示,必和必拓预计将在今年年中前完成第14号区块的3口气井的钻井作业。 他说:“这是一个很有吸引力的机会,所以我们希望进一步降低风险,所以我们还有更多的钻井作业要完成。” 必和必拓去年在位于特多北部的邦格斯-2井中发现了天然气。必和必拓是该区块的运营商,持有70%的股份,英国石油公司持有其余30%的股份。 必和必拓去年在特多南部合同区钻取的三口井中,有两口井发现了天然气。必和必拓在特多南部合同区拥有65%的股份,荷兰皇家壳牌公司拥有35%的股份。 McCormack说:“总的来说,这是一个天然气具有吸引力的地区,因为特多大西洋LNG厂拥有得天独厚的基础设施。” 由英国石油公司、壳牌公司、中国主权财富基金中投公司和特立尼达国有企业NGC共同拥有的特多LNG公司运营着4个液化天然气项目,LNG年总产能为1500万吨。 然而,美国能源信息署在去年9月的一份报告中称,由于来自特立尼达海上成熟气田的天然气供应日益枯竭,这个LNG厂多年来一直处于产能不足状态。 李峻 编译自 世界能源 原文如下: BHP to Drill More Wells in Trinidad BHP Group Ltd has stepped up exploration drilling in deep water off Trinidad and Tobago hunting for gas which could supply the country’s Atlantic LNG (liquefied natural gas) plant in the 2020s, a senior executive said. The company expects to complete drilling of three wells in block 14, located in its northern contract area, by the middle of this year, Niall McCormack, BHP’s vice president for exploration, said on the sidelines of the CERAWeek energy conference in Houston. “It’s an attractive opportunity so we’re looking to de-risk it a bit more, so we’ve got a bit more drilling to do,” he said. The company struck gas at the Bongos-2 well in the north last year. BHP is the operator of the block with a 70 percent stake while BP Plc holds the remainder. BHP has also found natural gas in two of three wells it drilled in its southern contract area last year. The company operates the southern area with a 65 percent stake and Royal Dutch Shell Plc has a 35 percent stake. “Overall, it’s an area where gas is attractive because it’s advantaged by the infrastructure of Atlantic LNG,” McCormack said. The gas could be produced in the middle of next decade when there would be demand from Atlantic LNG, he said. Trinidad’s Atlantic LNG, owned by BP, Shell, China’s sovereign wealth fund CIC and Trinidad’s state-owned company NGC, operates four LNG units with a total capacity of 15 million metric tons per year. However the plant has been running below capacity for several years, due to depleting supply from mature gas fields off Trinidad, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said in a report last September.