由于BP公司收购JX Nippon在北海地区的额外16%的股份,BP在英国北海Culzean油田股份增加至32%。
BP北海负责人Mark Thomas在声明中表示:“很高兴能在Culzean油田加大投资,我们希望可以进一步发展。当前油气行业变幻不定,挑战颇多,我们应该通力合作,共同发展Culzean项目,以及其他BP项目,如Quad 204以及Clair Ridge,希望项目可以如期顺利进行。”
来自/RigZone 5月16消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
BP plc has doubled its interest in the Culzean development in the UK Central North Sea to 32 percent, following its acquisition of an additional 16 percent interest from JX Nippon.
Discovered in 2008, the gas condensate field has resources estimated at 250-300 million barrels of oil equivalent. Production is expected to start in 2019 and continue into the 2030s, with plateau production of 60,000-90,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. The Maersk-operated Culzean field development, which was sanctioned at the end of August last year, is expected to produce enough gas to meet five percent of total UK demand at peak production in 2020/21.
“We are pleased to have deepened our interest in Culzean and we look forward to helping Maersk make this important central North Sea development a success,” said Mark Thomas, BP’s North Sea regional president, in a company statement.
“This is a challenging time for the industry and we must continue to work together to ensure that when developments like Culzean, or other projects such as BP’s Quad 204 and Clair Ridge, come online they can be run as efficiently as possible,” he added.
- 张弘引
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