共和党总统候选人提名Donald Trump近日提拔了一位激进的钻井倡导者,同时也是气候变化怀疑论者作为能源顾问,协助其起草能源政策。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
据Cramer和另外几名行情人士表示,亿万富翁Trump已经邀请共和党议员Kevin Cramer起草能源政策白皮书。Kevin Cramer来自石油资源丰富的North Dakota州,是钻井倡导者。
同时,西部能源资源丰富的几个州的议员希望Donald Trump可以开放更多的钻探区,近日这几个州的议员与Cramer和其他几个能源顾问展开会谈。
来自/RigZone 5月14日消息 编译/张弘引
WASHINGTON, May 13 (Reuters) – Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has turned to one of America’s most ardent drilling advocates and climate change skeptics to help him draft his energy policy.
The New York billionaire has asked U.S. Republican Congressman Kevin Cramer of North Dakota – a major oil drilling state – to write a white paper on energy policy, Cramer and sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Cramer and some other Trump energy advisers also recently met with lawmakers from western energy states, who hope Trump will open more federal land for drilling.
Cramer said his paper would emphasize the dangers of foreign ownership of U.S. energy assets, burdensome taxes, and over-regulation.
A spokeswoman for Trump’s campaign did not comment.
- 张弘引
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