CAN集团位于英国阿伯丁地区,主要提供质量监测保障服务,近日该公司与英国炼油巨头Essar Oil公司签订监测服务合同。
Essar Oil公司下属的Stanlow炼油厂位于柴郡Ellesmere港附近,供应油量占英国公路交通的15%,相当于每年生产20亿升燃油,30亿升的汽油和3.5亿升柴油。
来自/Heraldscotland 5月16日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创
THE Aberdeen-based inspection and quality assurance business, CAN Group, has secured a contract to provide inspection services at one of the UK’s largest oil refineries.
The five-year contract is with Essar Oil’s Stanlow refinery near Ellesmere Port in Cheshire, which supplies over 15 per cent of the UK’s road transport fuels.
This equates to an annual production of more than two billion litres of jet fuel, three billion litres of petrol and three and a half billion litres of diesel.
CAN Group will provide inspection services for maintenance, turnaround and project activities.
- 张弘引
- 毕业于南开大学翻译系,具有丰富的翻译经验,能够快速、准确地将全球油气动向以中英文双语进行报道。提供专业化、全方位的国际资讯服务,呈现纷繁世界的精彩之处,满足中国企业了解世界、融入世界的需求。