

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯3月13日消息,英国石油公司(BP)周三表示,公司已与美国环保倡导组织“环境保护基金”合作,通过研究、新兴技术以及与其他油气公司组建合资企业,在未来三年降低其供应链中的甲烷排放。 法国电力公司总裁Fred Krupp表示:“环境保护基金和BP并非在所有问题上都达成一致,但我们在甲烷问题上找到了共同点。” BP表示,甲烷在大气中的停留时间比二氧化碳短,但在头20年里,甲烷对大气的影响是二氧化碳的84倍。在石油开采过程中,甲烷会释放到空气中。 这家英国油气巨头表示,2019年将向科罗拉多州立大学拨款至多50万美元,用于研究开发甲烷探测和测量技术,利用无人机和固定系统加快探测时间。 英国石油公司表示,这些新技术需要经过严格的论证,才能得到行业监管机构的认可。 这家能源公司表示,它还将宣布一个考虑机器学习、人工智能和增强现实的项目,以管理和减少甲烷排放。 最后,BP表示,它将确定与其他油气公司的合作伙伴关系,以降低甲烷排放,并在今年与业内人士就这一问题举行研讨会。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: BP Announces New Plan to Lower Methane Emissions By Dieter Holger BP PLC (BP.LN) said Wednesday it has partnered with U.S. advocacy group Environmental Defense Fund to lower methane emissions in its supply chain over the next three years through a mix of research, emerging technologies and joint ventures with other oil-and-gas companies. “The Environmental Defense Fund and BP don’t agree on everything, but we’re finding common ground on methane,” said Fred Krupp, president of EDF. Methane stays in the atmosphere shorter than carbon dioxide but is 84 times more potent than CO2 for the first 20 years, BP said. During oil drilling and extraction, trapped methane releases into the air. The British oil-and-gas giant said it will grant up to $500,000 in 2019 to Colorado State University for research developing methane detection and measuring technologies using drones and stationary systems to speed up detection time. BP said these new technologies need to be rigorously demonstrated before regulators will accept them in the industry. The energy company said it will also announce a project considering machine learning, artificial intelligence and augmented reality to manage and reduce methane emissions. Finally, BP said it will identify partnerships with other oil-and-gas companies to lower methane emissions and hold a workshop with industry players on the issue this year.  
