

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社3月10日报道称,南谷埃及石油控股公司周日招标出售10个红海油气勘探区块。 根据石油部在当地报纸上发布的消息,从周日开始,公司可能会审查技术数据并购买与区块竞标相关的数据包。 投标截止日期为8月1日中午,中标者将签署生产分成协议。 这10个区块,红海B1-10,每一个都超过3000平方公里。 埃及现已成为天然气净出口国,近年来取得了一系列重大发现,其中包括地中海最大的天然气田祖尔气田,帮助吸引自2011年起因债务付款增加后退出的投资者。 该国本月表示,其天然气日产量为 68亿立方英尺,近年来埃及与其他几个国家签订了海上划界协议,以推动石油和天然气勘探的增加。 该国希望利用其战略位置和完善的基础设施,成为天然气主要国际贸易和分销中心。 徐蕾 摘译自路透社 原文如下: Egypt offers offshore exploration tender for 10 blocks in the Red Sea Egypt’s South Valley Egyptian Petroleum Holding Co on Sunday offered 10 oil and gas exploration blocks in the Red Sea for sale through a tender. Companies may review technical data and buy data packages related to making bids on the blocks from Sunday, according to a release from the Ministry of Petroleum in local newspapers. The closing date for bids will be Aug. 1 at noon and the winner will enter a production sharing agreement. The 10 blocks, Red Sea B1-10, are each just over 3,000 square kilometres. Egypt, which is now a net exporter of gas, has made a series of big discoveries in recent years, including Zohr, the largest gas field in the Mediterranean, helping to draw back investors that had pulled away after a 2011 uprising led to mounting debt payments. The country, which said this month that it produces 6.8 billion cubic feet of gas per day, has reached maritime demarcation agreements with several other countries in recent years to push increased oil and gas exploration. It hopes to leverage its strategic location and well-developed infrastructure to become a key international trading and distribution centre for gas.  
