

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社3月10日消息称,阿拉斯加天然气开发公司(AGDC)表示,已与英国石油公司和埃克森美孚公司签署协议,以帮助推进这家国有公司提出的价值434亿美元的阿拉斯加液化天然气项目。 AGDC临时总裁Joe Dubler在周五晚些时候的一份声明中表示:“我们各自的组织对阿拉斯加搁浅的北坡天然气的成功商业化感兴趣。” 英国石油公司和埃克森美孚公司在阿拉斯加开采了大量石油,并在北坡发现了大量搁浅的天然气资源。 阿拉斯加液化天然气项目旨在通过位于安克雷奇以南的基奈半岛尼基斯基的工厂,每天将35亿立方英尺的液化天然气出售给亚太地区的客户。它包括一条从北坡开始的807英里(1300公里)的管道。 美国能源监管机构最近将决定液化天然气项目的时间从2020年2月推迟到2020年6月。 AGDC官员表示,公司正在审查项目建设的时间表。 与此同时,AGDC表示将继续与几家对该项目感兴趣的公司进行谈判,包括与中国石油天然气公司中石化、中国主权财富基金中投公司和中国国有银行中国银行签署联合开发协议。 曹海斌 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: BP, Exxon to help advance Alaska LNG export project Alaska Gasline Development Corp (AGDC) said it signed an agreement with BP PLC and Exxon Mobil Corp to help advance the state-owned company’s proposed $43.4 billion Alaska liquefied natural gas (LNG) project: “Our respective organizations share an interest in the successful commercialization of Alaska’s stranded North Slope natural gas,” AGDC Interim President Joe Dubler said in a statement late Friday. BP and Exxon Mobil produce massive amounts of oil in Alaska and have discovered huge gas resources that are stranded in the North Slope. The Alaska LNG project is designed to liquefy 3.5 billion cubic feet per day of gas for sale to customers in the Asia-Pacific region from a facility to be built in Nikiski on the Kenai Peninsula south of Anchorage. It includes an 807-mile (1,300-km) pipeline from the North Slope. U.S. energy regulators recently delayed the date they expect to decide on the LNG project to June 2020 from February 2020. Officials at AGDC have said the company is reviewing the timeline to get the project built. At the same time, AGDC said it is continuing negotiations with several parties interested in the project, including a joint development agreement with Chinese oil and gas company Sinopec, China’s sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corp’s CIC Capital Corp and the state-owned Bank of China.  
