

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年3月11日伦敦报道,标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯分析公司周一公布的统计数据显示,欧洲大陆液化天然气再气化水平上周五创下了历史新高,原因是近期天然气供应的增加在短期内没有显示出放缓的迹象。 统计数据显示,在上周五天然气日期间总共有2.58亿立方米天然气当量被输送到欧洲大陆供气网,超过了2010年11月底创下的最高纪录。 统计数据显示,实际上,欧洲大陆3月前10天的LNG日平均再气化量为2.25亿立方米,比2月的日平均再气化量1.81亿立方米高出了24%,远高于去年11月创下的1.82亿立方米的历史最高水平。 在欧洲大陆,截至目前,2018/19年度冬季LNG交付期间在周一天然气日开始时为284.09亿立方米,同比增长了83%,比2017/18年度冬季LNG再气化总量高出了60%。 与今年年初相比,这一增幅更大,1月1日至3月10日期间,欧洲大陆LNG再气化总量同比增长了103%,达到了129.36亿立方米,3月1日至10日的再气化量同比增长了145%,达到了22.51亿立方米。 普氏能源资讯的数据显示,时下有9艘LNG运输船正在驶往欧洲大陆的LNG接收终端。 李峻 编译自 Platts 原文如下: Continental European LNG regasification levels hit record high Mar 8 Continental European LNG regasification hit a record high last Friday as the recent increase in supply of the fuel into gas grids showed no signs of slowing in the short-term, data from S&P Global Platts Analytics showed Monday. A total of 258 million cu m of natural gas equivalent was send into Continental European gas grids during last Friday’s gas day, moving above the previous record high seen back in late November 2010, with March on course to see a record high amount for a calendar month in the process. Indeed, Continental European LNG regas averaged 225 million cu m/d during the first 10 days of March, 24% higher than the 181 million cu m/d average in February and comfortably higher than the 182 million cu m/d previous high seen during November last year, the data showed. LNG regas in Continental Europe so far during the Winter 2018/19 delivery period stood at 28.409 Bcm at the beginning of Monday’s gas day, 83% higher on an annual basis and already 60% higher than the Winter 2017/18 total. The increase is steeper when taken from the beginning of this year, with Continental LNG regas levels for the January 1-March 10 period of 12.936 Bcm up 103% on an annual basis, with March 1-10 levels of 2.251 Bcm 145% higher when compared to the same period last year. Data from Platts Analytics suggests that nine LNG tankers are en route to Continental European LNG terminals.  
