中国石化新闻网讯 据世界能源新闻网2019年3月7日奥斯陆报道,挪威国有石油公司Petoro周四在奥斯陆表示,挪威大陆架石油生产成本在连续三年下降以后在2018年有所上升。 在2014年原油价格大幅下跌之后,削减成本成为了石油公司的重要议程,这使得开发以前被认为过于昂贵的油田成为可能,包括Equinor的北极约翰卡斯特伯格大油田。 然而,油价已部分回升,而成本通胀也因此卷土重来。 Petoro日前在其年度报告中表示:“去年石油生产成本下降的积极趋势已经逆转,去年挪威大陆架石油生产成本有所上升。” Petoro在报告中补充说,在电力和碳排放价格上涨以及普遍较高的油田运营成本的推动下,去年调整后的生产成本(包括运营和维护成本)同比上涨了7% 李峻 编译自 世界能源网 原文如下: Norway Production Costs Rising Petroleum production costs on the Norwegian continental shelf rose in 2018 after falling for three consecutive years, state-owned oil firm Petoro said on Thursday. Cost cuts were high on oil firms’ agenda following a sharp fall in crude prices in 2014, making it possible to develop discoveries that had previously been considered too expensive, including Equinor’s Arctic Johan Castberg field. Oil prices have partly recovered however, and cost inflation has thus returned. “The positive trend of reduction in production costs have reversed and costs increased in 2018,” Petoro, which manages the Norwegian government’s stakes in offshore licenses, said in its annual report. Adjusted production costs, including operating and maintenance costs, rose by 7 percent year-on-year, driven by higher power and carbon emission prices, as well as generally higher costs of operating fields, it added.