

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气网站3月7日报道,2019年2月,位于格拉德斯通海岸柯蒂斯岛的三个液化厂的液化天然气出口总量为173万吨,分布在26艘货船上。 格拉德斯通港口公司的数据显示,与2019年1月报告的193万吨相比,该数量下降了9.8%。 减少的原因可能是2月份的天数较少。 然而,与2018年2月相比,柯蒂斯岛的三个设施总共运输了165万吨,这相当于增长了5.1%。 数据显示,其余的货物被运往韩国、日本和马来西亚。 今年到目前为止,这三个设施共运送了366万吨液化天然气。 位于柯蒂斯岛的液化天然气出口工厂包括壳牌昆士兰柯蒂斯液化天然气公司,桑托斯格拉德斯通液化天然气公司和康菲石油公司运营的澳大利亚太平洋液化天然气终端。 李方征 编译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Australia: Gladstone February LNG exports jump year-on-year LNG exports from the three liquefaction plants located on Curtis Island offshore Gladstone totaled 1.73 million tons spread across 26 cargoes in February 2019. The volume represents a 9.8 percent decrease compared to the 1.93 million tons reported in January 2019, data from the Gladstone Ports Corporation shows. The decrease can be attributed to the lower number of days in February. However, compared to February 2018 when the three Curtis Island facilities shipped a total of 1.65 million tons, this represents a 5.1 percent jump. The remaining volumes were shipped to South Korea, Japan and Malaysia, the data shows. So far this year, the three facilities shipped a total of 3.66 million tons of LNG. The LNG export plants located on Curtis Island include Shell’s Queensland Curtis LNG, Santos Gladstone LNG and the ConocoPhillips-operated Australia Pacific LNG terminal.  
