中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯新加坡3月5日消息 联合组织Data Initiative最新数据显示,沙特阿拉伯2018年的汽油出口量飙升至约4078万吨的历史最高水平,较2017年增长37%,成为去年苏伊士以东最大的汽油出口国。 JODI数据显示,2017年沙特汽油出口量达到2982.6万吨,比2016年增长5%。到2018年进口量增加了一倍多,从2017年的440.4万吨增加到896.9万吨。 沙特阿拉伯预计将在2019年将国内炼油总产能提高到330万桶/天左右,其中Jazan炼油厂的日产量将达到40万桶。 根据沙特阿美公司的新闻稿称,“(Jazan炼油厂)的调试工作将于2018年年中开始,到2019年全面投产。” 沙特阿拉伯2018年的汽油出口使该国成为苏伊士运河以东最大的汽油出口国,同期印度和韩国分别出口2650万吨和2550万吨。 5月和6月的燃料油需求即该国夏季需求高峰季节,2018年平均超过65万桶/日较2017年同期增长逾10万桶。 然而,7月份燃料油需求下降了18万桶/日,尽管海水淡化发电需求强劲以及夏季需要增加空调需求。 JODI数据表明,2018年沙特阿拉伯的燃油进口量同比增长59%至1709.1万吨。普氏能源资讯稍早公布的JODI数据显示沙特5 – 7月的季节性原油日平均消耗量仅为40 -50万桶,为2009年以来的最低水平。 吴慧丹 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Saudi gasoil exports surge to 40.78 million mt in 2018 Saudi Arabia’s gasoil exports in 2018 surged to an all-time high of around 40.78 million mt, or up 37% from 2017, making it the largest gasoil exporter East of Suez last year, the latest figures from the Joint Organizations Data Initiative showed. In 2017, gasoil exports from the Kingdom reached 29.826 million mt, rising 5% from 2016, JODI data showed. Gasoil imports into the country more than doubled to 8.969 million mt in 2018, from 4.404 million mt in 2017. Saudi Arabia is expected to raise its total domestic refinery capacity in 2019 to around 3.3 million b/d, with the commercial start-up of it 400,000 b/d Jazan refinery. According to a press release from Saudi Aramco, “Commissioning activities for the complex [Jazan refinery] will commence by mid-2018, and full operation will be achieved by 2019.” Saudi Arabia gasoil exports in 2018 has made the Kingdom the largest gasoil exporter East of Suez, with India exporting 26.5 million mt and South Korea exporting 25.5 million mt over the same period. Fuel oil demand in May and June — the country’s peak summer demand season — in 2018 averaged more than 650,000 b/d, a rise of more than 100,000 b/d for the same period in 2017. Fuel oil demand, however, dropped by 180,000 b/d in July, despite the strong peak demand for power generation for desalination and increased air-conditioning requirements in the summer months. Fuel oil imports in 2018 into Saudi Arabia rose 59% year on year to 17.091 million mt, JODI showed.According to data from JODI, Saudi’s seasonal crude burn for May-July only averaged 400,000-500,000 b/d, the lowest since at least 2009, S&P Global Platts reported earlier.