

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年2月28日丹佛报道,标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯分析部门周四发布的最新统计数据显示,本周美国在用石油和天然气钻机数猛增了20部,在用钻机总数达到了1110部,创下自2018年1月以来的最大单周增幅。 统计数据显示,本周美国在用石油钻机数增加了17部至867部,天然气钻机数增加了4部至224部。本周没有指定方向的钻机数减少了2部至14部。 与2018年11月1233部的高点相比,周四的在用钻机数仍大幅下降,仍在接近去年3月的水平徘徊,原因是美国今年的钻井活动持续放缓。 在达到顶峰后,美国在用钻机数经历了持续10周的收缩,随后在1月底和2月初以及本周又出现了两周的小幅增长。 在本月油价稳步升至50美元/桶上方以后,近期的增加——包括本周在用钻机数的大幅跃升——可能预示着油价稳定趋势的开始。 李峻 编译自 Platts 原文如下: US rig count climbs 20 on week to 1,110: S&P Global Platts Analytics The US oil and gas rig count climbed by 20 this week to 1,110, marking its largest weekly gain since January 2018, data released Thursday by S&P Global Platts Analytics showed. Oil-directed rigs were up by 17 on the week to 867, accompanied by a four-rig build in gas-directed drilling to 224. The number of rigs with no specified orientation was down by two on the week to 14. Thursday’s rig estimate remains sharply lower compared with the November 2018 high of 1,233 and is still hovering close to levels seen last March, amid a sustained slowdown in US drilling activity this year. After reaching its zenith, the US rig count witness a sustained 10-week contraction, followed by two weeks of modest gains in late-January and early February and again this week. Following a steady rise in forward oil prices into the upper-$50/b range this month, recent gains, including this week’s sizeable jump in rig count, could signal the start of a stabilizing trend.  
