

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社墨尔本报道,周四,荷兰皇家壳牌与中石油的合资公司Arrow能源公司获得了100亿澳元(合72亿美元)的租赁权,以开发澳大利亚最大煤层气资源项目。 昆士兰州政府表示,它已经授予了Arrow能源公司14份Surat项目的租约,该项目拥有5万亿立方英尺(1400亿立方米)的天然气。Arrow于2017年12月达成了一项27年的协议,将Surat的产量出售给壳牌公司运营的昆士兰柯蒂斯 LNG (QCLNG) 项目。 作为交易的一部分,Arrow将使用QCLNG的天然气加工和管道基础设施,帮助降低项目成本,并允许Arrow销售其天然气用于出口和进入澳大利亚国内市场。 昆士兰州矿务部长安东尼·林纳姆在一份声明中说:“这种方法有两个主要好处:它能更快地将天然气输送到市场,并能显著减少项目的影响,以及对当地社区和环境的潜在影响。” 随着澳大利亚东南部各州在21世纪20年代中期面临迫在眉睫的天然气短缺问题,昆士兰州和联邦政府迫切希望看到Surat项目的启动。 尽管昆士兰州总理Annastacia Palaszczuk表示,该项目预计将于2020年投产,但由于天然气销售价格以及技术的问题,壳牌和中石油尚未推进开发。 Arrow首席执行官Mingyang Qian在与州政府的联合声明中表示:“批准这些石油租赁协议是Arrow向市场输送5万亿立方英尺天然气的一个重要里程碑。” 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Shell, PetroChina JV Arrow wins leases for big Australian gas project Royal Dutch Shell and PetroChina joint venture Arrow Energy on Thursday was granted leases for a A$10 billion ($7.2 billion) project to develop Australia’s biggest coal seam gas resource. The Queensland government said it had granted 14 leases to Arrow Energy for the Surat project, which holds 5 trillion cubic feet (140 billion cubic meters) of gas. Arrow agreed in December 2017 to a 27-year deal to sell output from Surat to the Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) project run by Shell. As part of the deal, Arrow will be using QCLNG’s gas processing and pipeline infrastructure, helping to cut project costs and allowing Arrow to sell its gas both for export and into the domestic market. “This approach has two major benefits: it will get gas to the market faster and it significantly reduces the project footprint and the potential impact on local communities and the environment,” Queensland state Mines Minister Anthony Lynham said in a statement. Queensland and the federal government are eager to see the Surat project start up as Australia’s southeastern states face a looming gas shortage by the mid-2020s. While state Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the project is expected to start producing in 2020, Shell and PetroChina have yet to give the go-ahead for development amid a spat over gas sales pricing and technical issues. “The approval of these petroleum leases is a critical milestone in Arrow delivering 5 trillion cubic feet of gas into the market,” Arrow CEO Mingyang Qian said in a joint statement with the state government.?  
