

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年2月26日休斯敦报道,在美中贸易战争中,美国对亚洲的二氯乙烯出口量大幅下降,但美国这种原材料的主要出口公司奥林(Olin)公司认为,美国二氯乙烯出口增加潜力足以满足亚洲地区日益增长的聚氯乙烯(PVC)生产。 Olin公司执行副总裁詹姆斯•瓦利克本月早些时候在该公司的年度投资者日(investor day)聚会上表示,PVC生产商主要在亚洲,他们正在计划增加PVC产能,而不是在包括二氯乙烷(EDC)在内的PVC上游产品链上增加相应的产能。 具体来说,据日本东曹公司的一位消息人士透露,该公司计划在今年4月之前与三菱公司在菲律宾的合资企业每年增加10万吨PVC产能。标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯的最新统计数据显示,这一扩张将使其PVC总产量达到21万吨/年。Asahimas还计划在印尼不进行任何上游扩张的情况下每年增加20万吨的PVC产量。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Olin sees US ethylene dichloride export growth to feed Asian PVC capacity US ethylene dichloride shipments to Asia have fallen sharply amid the US-China trade war, but Olin, the main exporter of US material, sees growth potential in that region to feed increasing polyvinyl chloride production. James Varilek, executive vice president for Olin, said during the company’s annual investor day gathering earlier this month that PVC producers, largely in Asia, are planning PVC capacity additions without corresponding capacity additions to the chain of upstream products that lead to PVC, which include EDC. Specifically, Japan’s Tosoh is planning 100,000 mt/year in additional PVC capacity at its joint venture with Mitsubishi in the Philippines by April this year, according to a company source. The expansion will push its total PVC production to 210,000 mt/year, according to S&P Global Platts data. Asahimas also plans to add 200,000 mt/year of PVC production at its Indonesia operations with out any upstream expansions.  
