

中国石化新闻网讯 据Oil & Gas Journal网站2月26日休斯顿报道 阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)与韩国能源公司签署了三项框架协议,在石油和天然气勘探和生产、下游业务以及原油和液化天然气的加注方面寻找合作机会。 协议是与韩国天然气公司(KOGAS)、韩国国家石油公司(KNOC)和 GS Energy签订的。 全球第二大液化天然气买家KOGAS研究了在Fujairah港进行液化天然气加注的可行性。 KNOC拥有Al Dhafra石油30%的股份,它正在寻求到2025年将韩国的石油储备增加2400万桶。 位于首尔的GS Energy公司拥有Al Dhafra石油10%的股份和ADNOC陆上公司3%的股份。 吴恒磊 编译自 Oil & Gas Journal 原文如下: ADNOC, Korean firms to study opportunities Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. has signed three framework agreements exploring opportunities with South Korean energy companies in oil and gas exploration and production, downstream, and bunkering of crude oil and LNG. The agreements are with Korea Gas Corp. (KOGAS), Korea National Oil Co. (KNOC), and GS Energy. KOGAS, the world’s second-largest buyer of LNG, has studied feasibility of LNG bunkering at the port of Fujairah. KNOC has a 30% interest in ADNOC’s Al Dhafra Petroleum. It’s seeking to increase oil storage in South Korea by 24 million bbl by 2025. GS Energy, Seoul, has a 10% stake in Al Dhafra Petroleum and a 3% stake in ADNOC Onshore.  
