

中国石化新闻网讯 据今日海上能源网2019年2月24日休斯顿报道,埃克森美孚公司日前提交了一份经过修订以后的在吉普斯兰盆地实施勘探钻井的环境计划,吉普斯兰盆地距离澳大利亚东吉普斯兰维多利亚州海岸90公里,其中包括钻取超深水的Sculpin-1井。 埃克森美孚公司的VIC/P70区块距离海岸大约90 – 100公里,VIC/P70区块的水深从200米到3000米不等。钻井水深分别为Hairtail-1井(359米)、Baldfish-1井(665米)和Sculpin-1井(2300米)。 2017年第二季度,位于深水吉普斯兰盆地的VIC/P70区块被埃克森美孚公司麾下的全资子公司Esso深水公司收购。 埃克森美孚公司去年获得了Hartail-1井和Baldfish-1井的勘探钻井权,并在2018年8月使用Ocean Monarch半潜式钻机开始在那里开展海上勘探钻井寻找新的天然气资源。 如前所述,埃克森公司的新计划现在包括了超深水探井Sculpin-1井。根据相关批准,埃克森美孚公司计划在2019年第二季度末或第三季度初开始在Sculpin-1远景构造上钻井。 埃克森美孚公司周四向澳大利亚国家海上石油安全和环境管理局(NOPSEMA)提交了修订以后后的环境保护计划。NOPSEMA预计将在今年3月25日决定是否接受该计划。 李峻 编译自 今日海上能源 原文如下: Exxon files EP plan for ultra-deepwater well in Gippsland basin, offshore Australia ExxonMobil has submitted a revised Environment Plan for exploration drilling in the Gippsland basin, 90 kilometers off the East Gippsland Victorian coast, Australia, to include the ultra-deepwater Sculpin-1 well.
Exxon’s VIC/P70 block is located approximately 90 – 100 km from shore, with water depth within VIC/P70 ranging from 200 meters to over 3 kilometers. The drill locations Hairtail-1, Baldfish-1, and Sculpin-1, sit at ~359 meters, ~665 meters and ~2,300 meters respectively. Block VIC/P70, in the deepwater Gippsland basin, was acquired by Esso Deepwater, a wholly owned subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation, in 2Q, 2017. Exxon last year received approvals for the Hartail-1 and Baldfish-1 wells, and in August 2018 said it had started the offshore exploration drilling program there to search for new sources of gas, using the Ocean Monarch semi-submersible drilling rig. As mentioned, Exxon’s new plan now includes the ultra-deepwater exploration well Sculpin-1. Subject to relevant approvals, Exxon plans to start drilling at the Sculpin-1 prospect in the late second quarter of 2019, or in the early third quarter of the year. Exxon submitted the revised EP on Thursday to the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA). NOPSEMA expects to come up with the decision on whether to accept the plan on March 25, 2019.  
