

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社2月25日北京报道,海关周六公布的数据显示,中国1月份LNG进口量创历史新高,原因是冬季居民供暖需求增加,此前中国转向天然气供暖,带动了更高的出货量。 中国海关总署表示,1月LNG进口较上年同期增长27.8%,至658万吨,为去年12月以来最高。 进口激增的部分原因是中国北方居民的消费。此前,尽管冬季比往常暖和,工业部门的需求有所下降,但政府还是推出了用天然气取代燃煤供暖的计划。 今年冬季,中国新增300万户家庭改用天然气,预计在[calendarclick]11月15日至3月15日冬季供暖期间,天然气需求将增加45.3亿立方米。 中国北方的工业用气需求正显示出急剧放缓的迹象,因为小型制造商要么关门歇业,要么减少天然气购买量,无法应对出口订单的减少,以及与中国政府污染控制和改革措施相关的成本。 2月14日,海关报告称,中国1月份的天然气进口总量(包括液化天然气和管道天然气)同比增长26.8%,达到981万吨,创历史新高。 孔丽炜 摘译自路透社 原文如下: China’s January LNG imports rise to record high China’s liquefied natural gas imports in January rose to a record as an increase in residential heating demand during the winter after the country’s shift to gas heating spurred higher shipments, customs data showed on Saturday. January LNG imports rose 27.8 percent from a year earlier to 6.58 million tonnes, the highest since December, when they had also reached a new high, the General Administration of Customs said. Surging imports were partially driven by consumption from residential users in northern China after the government’s drive to replace coal heating with gas, despite falling demand from the industrial sector amid a warmer-than-usual winter. The country shifted an additional 3 million more homes this winter to gas, which is expected to create an additional 4.53 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas demand during the [calendarclick]Nov. 15 to March 15 winter heating period. Industrial gas demand in northern China is showing signs of a sharp slowdown as small manufacturers shut their doors or buy less gas, unable to cope with a drop-off in export orders and costs related to Beijing’s pollution control and reform measures. On Feb. 14, customs reported that China’s total January natural gas imports, including LNG and gas brought in by pipeline, rose by 26.8 percent from a year earlier to 9.81 million tonnes, a record high.  
