

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网2月21日卡塞尔报道,德国化工巨头巴斯夫麾下的油气子公司温特斯豪(Wintershall)今天宣布,该公司和德国DEA的合并工作时下正在进行中。到目前为止,两家公司已经申请了所有相关的政府批准,并计划在今年上半年完成合并。 合并将使新成立的合资公司Wintershall DEA成为欧洲最大的独立油气生产商。 新公司寻求在2021年至2023年期间把温特斯豪和DEA的联合平均日产量(预计2017年)提高大约40%左右,至大约57.5万桶油当量。 预计这一产量增长将来自两家公司现有的投资组合以及墨西哥和阿布扎比等新的生产地区。DEA最近在墨西哥进入了这两个地区,而温特斯豪在阿布扎比进入了一个新的油气租借区。 通过合并,每年预计从产量增加和成本减少中将至少获得2亿美元的协同效应。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气 原文如下: Significant growth planned for Wintershall DEAProduction increase of 40 percent by the early 2020s envisaged Neftegaz.RU. The merger of the longstanding German companies Wintershall and DEA is progressing. So far, the companies have applied for all relevant governmental approvals and aim for closing during the first half of 2019.The merger will make Wintershall DEA the largest independent gas and oil producer in Europe. Wintershall reported this on February 21, 2019. The new company seeks to increase Wintershall’s and DEA’s joint average daily production of about 575,000 barrels of oil equivalent (pro-forma 2017) by around 40 percent to 800,000 barrels between 2021 and 2023. This growth is expected to come from both companies’ existing portfolio as well as new production regions like Mexico, where DEA has made a recent entry, and Abu Dhabi, where Wintershall entered into a new oil and gas concession. Through the merger, synergies of at least 200 million per year are expected from production increases and cost reductions.  
