

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年2月20日迪拜报道,标准普尔全球评级公司预测,在二叠纪盆地和新墨西哥州的页岩产量进一步增长以及限制布伦特原油价格的带动下,美国石油产量增长将至少持续到2020年。 标准普尔全球评级公司高级董事和分析经理安德烈•尼古拉耶夫周三在迪拜的一次报告中表示,到2020年,美国石油日产量将超过1300万桶,而今年的日产量约为1200万桶。 外界普遍预计在去年超过沙特阿拉伯已成为世界最大石油生产国的美国页岩产量今年将继续强劲增长。 尼古拉耶夫预计基准布伦特原油在2019年、2020年和2021年的平均价格为55美元/桶。近月洲际交易所布伦特原油期货周三交易价格超过了65美元/桶。 尼古拉耶夫还指出,尽管需求强劲,但美国能源信息署预计,2019年和2020年全球石油库存将进一步增加。 尼古拉耶夫还认为,大型国际石油公司的产量将继续上升。报告称,到2021年,埃克森美孚公司、雪佛龙公司、壳牌公司、英国石油公司、道达尔公司、埃尼公司和Equinor等“超级巨头”的全球石油日产量之和将达到大约2300万桶,他们的石油产量自2014年以来每年都在增长。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: US oil production gains seen from Permian, New Mexico: S&P Global US oil production will keep expanding through at least 2020, led by further growth from the Permian and New Mexico and putting a cap on Brent crude prices, according to S&P Global Ratings. Output from the US will exceed 13 million b/d in 2020 compared with about 12 million b/d this year, Andrey Nikolaev, senior director, analytical manager in S&P Global Ratings, said Wednesday in a presentation given in Dubai. Already the world’s biggest oil producer after pulling ahead of Saudi Arabia last year, US shale output is widely expected to continue growing strongly this year, after surging by some 1.8 million b/d in 2018. He sees benchmark Brent crude averaging $55/b in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Front-month ICE Brent futures were trading at over $65/b Wednesday. He also noted US Energy Information Administration forecasts for further increases in world inventories in 2019 and 2020, even with strong demand. Nikolaev also sees output by the large international oil companies continuing to rise. Combined global production by the “supermajors” — ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, BP, Total, Eni and Equinor — will reach about 23 million b/d of oil equivalent by 2021, recording growth every year since 2014, according to the presentation.  
