

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年2月21日纽约报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)周四公布的原油库存统计数据显示,美国炼油厂活动放缓和创纪录的周石油产量抵消了上周创纪录的原油出口。 EIA上周首次把美国原油日产量定为1200万桶,高于前一周的1190万桶。 因此,在截至2月15日的财报周里,美国商业原油库存增加了367万桶,至4.541亿桶。这一库存增加符合市场预期。标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯周二调查的分析师曾预测将增加350万桶。 根据EIA的统计数据,美国墨西哥湾原油库存上周增加了167万桶,至2.3264亿桶,上周该地区原油日产量下滑了9.9万桶,至846万桶。 李峻 编译自 Platts 原文如下: US crude stocks rise as record production offsets record exports A slowdown in US refinery activity and record weekly oil production helped offset record crude exports last week, Energy Information Administration oil data showed Thursday. EIA pegged US crude output at 12 million b/d for the first time last week, up from 11.9 million b/d the week prior. As a result, US commercial crude stocks rose 3.67 million barrels, to 454.51 million barrels, for the reporting week ended February 15. The build was in line with market expectations. Analysts surveyed Tuesday by S&P Global Platts had been looking for a 3.5 million-barrel build. Crude stocks in the US Gulf Coast rose 1.67 million barrels to 232.64 million barrels last week, according to EIA data.  
