

中国石化新闻网讯 据Neftegaz.RU莫斯科2月21日消息称,在道达尔进入北极LNG-2的交易结束后, 诺瓦泰克和道达尔将一致就该项目作出重大财务和运营决策,两家公司都没有优先投票权。 预计在新参与者加入后,关于北极LNG-2项目的主要财政和业务决定将得到两个参与者的一致批准,没有一个参与者将有特权投票。管理层认为,在完成交易后,该集团将对北极LNG-2进行联合控制。 2018年5月,诺瓦泰克在圣彼得堡国际经济论坛上与道达尔签署协议,法国公司将以10%的股份进入北极LNG-2项目,并有可能将其增加到15%。 第一个项目预计于2023年开始,2023-2025年分阶段引进。该项目在Morning油田的资源基础上实施。截至2018年12月31日,根据俄罗斯分类,Morning油田的储量为19780亿立方米天然气和1.05亿吨液态烃。 对该项目特别感兴趣的是沙特阿拉伯。2019年2月20日,有消息称诺瓦泰克正在与三菱和三井讨论参与该项目的可能性。还考虑了中国公司的参与。L. Mikhelson预计,2019年3-4月,潜在合作伙伴将向沙特阿美提出购买北极LNG-2部分股权的正式提议。 曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: NOVATEK and Total will have equal rights for the Arctic LNG-2 project Moscow, Neftegaz.RU. After the closure of the transaction on the entry of Total into the Arctic LNG-2, NOVATEK and Total will unanimously make major financial and operational decisions on the project, none of the companies will have a preferred vote. It is expected that after the entry of a new participant, the main financial and operational decisions on the Arctic LNG-2 project will be approved unanimously by both participants and none of the participants will have a privileged vote. Management believes that after closing the deal, the group will exercise joint control over Arctic LNG-2. In May 2018, NOVATEK at the SPIEF signed an agreement with Total on the entry of the French company into the Arctic LNG-2 project with a 10% share and the possibility of increasing it to 15%. The launch of the first line is scheduled for approximately 2023 with the phased introduction of the object in 2023-2025. The project is implemented on the resource base of the Morning field. As of December 31, 2018, according to the Russian classification, the reserves of the Morning field amounted to 1,978 billion m 3 of natural gas and 105 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons. Of particular interest to the project is Saudi Arabia. February 20, 2019 it became known that NOVATEK is discussing possible participation in the project with Mitsubishi and Mitsui. The participation of Chinese companies is also considered. L. Mikhelson expects official proposals from potential partners for the purchase of a stake in the Arctic LNG-2, incl. from Saudi Aramco, in March-April 2019.
