

中国石化新闻网讯 据Neftegaz.RU圣彼得堡2月20日消息称,2019年1月1日至2月15日,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司天然气产量较2018年同期增长3.6%(增长24亿立方米)。 本报告所述期间,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司通过天然气传输系统(GTS)在国内市场销售的天然气增加了2%(10亿立方米)。 2019年1月1日至2月15日,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司对非独联体国家的天然气出口下降1.5%,至259亿立方米。下降的原因是高基数的影响。在2018年初,由于欧洲的降温和大雪,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司将对非独联体国家的天然气供应增加到创纪录水平。 2019年2月,在许多欧洲国家,气候变暖,减少了对天然气的需求。2019年2月初,在欧洲,这个月的天气确实异常。亚速尔群岛反气旋最强大的支脉从西南方向向外伸展,其外围有温暖干燥的亚热带气流流入。结果,西欧和中欧上空出现了多云天气,白天的空气变暖相当有效。法国中部和北部地区、德国和捷克共和国的气温比正常值高出6-10摄氏度。 与此同时,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司指出,许多国家对俄罗斯天然气需求增加:特别是俄罗斯天然气出口量增加:出口到意大利增长51.3%,出口到奥地利增长33.1%,出口到捷克共和国增长66.2%,出口到法国增加7%,出口到匈牙利增长11.4%,出口到斯洛伐克增长10%,出口到芬兰增长10.7%,出口到丹麦增长21.1%,出口到塞尔维亚增长8.6%。 2017年和2018年是俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司对外国天然气出口的最高纪录。在2017年,俄罗斯天然气工业公司向非独联体国家交付了1944亿立方米天然气。截至2018年底,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司对非独联体国家的出口达2017亿立方米,比2017年增长3.8%。因此,2018年超过了2000亿立方米的签约里程碑,但天然气出口量并未达到2045亿立方米/年(所有向非独联体国家出口合同的最大年度合同量)。 俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司2018年天然气产量较2017年增长5.7%,达到4976亿立方米。2017年,产量增长更为显著,达到4710亿立方米,增长12.4%。 曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Gazprom for 1.5 months reduced gas exports to foreign countries by 1.5% St. Petersburg, Neftegaz.RU. In the period from January 1 to February 15, 2019, Gazprom increased gas production by 3.6% (by 2.4 billion m 3 ) compared to the same period in 2018. Gas sales of Gazprom in the domestic market from the gas transmission system (GTS) for the period under review increased by 2% (1 billion m3). On gas exports to non-CIS countries, Gazprom from January 1 to February 15, 2019 recorded a decline – by 1.5%, to 25.9 billion m3. The reason for the decline was the effect of high base. At the beginning of 2018, Gazprom increased gas supplies to non-CIS countries to record levels due to cooling and heavy snowfall in Europe. In February 2019, in many European countries, warm weather set in, which reduced the need for gas. At the beginning of February 2019, in Europe, indeed, the weather situation was abnormal for this month. From the south-west the most powerful spur of the Azores anticyclone spreads, along the periphery of which there is an inflow of warm and dry subtropical air. As a result, cloudy weather established over Western and Central Europe, and the air warms up quite effectively in the daytime. The temperature in the central and northern regions of France, in Germany and the Czech Republic by 6-10 o C exceeded the norm. At the same time, Gazprom notes that many countries demonstrate increased demand for Russian gas: In particular, the volume of gas exports increased: Italy – by 51.3%, Austria – by 33.1%, Czech Republic – by 66.2%, France – by 7%, Hungary – by 11.4%, Slovakia – by 10%, Finland – by 10.7%, Denmark – by 21.1%, Serbia – by 8.6%. 2017 and then 2018 were a record for Gazprom in gas exports to foreign countries. In 2017, Gazprom delivered 194.4 billion m3 to non-CIS countries. At the end of 2018, Gazprom’s exports to non-CIS countries amounted to 201.7 billion m 3 , which is 3.8% more than in 2017. Thus, in 2018, the sign milestone of 200 billion m 3 was exceeded, but the volume of exports did not reach the mark of 204.5 billion m 3 / year of gas (the maximum annual contract volume for all export contracts to non-CIS countries). Gas production in 2018 Gazprom increased production by 5.7% compared with 2017, to 497.6 billion m3. In 2017, the production volume grew more noticeably – by 12.4%, to 471 billion m3.  
