

中国石化新闻网讯 据石油和天然气管道新闻网2月19日消息,卢克石油中东船用润滑油公司与阿曼船运公司签订了为期三年的供应合同。 根据协议,卢克石油中东船用润滑油公司将供应阿曼船运公司39艘船舶,包括超大型油轮、成品油油轮、化学品油轮、液化石油气运输船、超大型矿砂运输船和散货船。 如果阿曼海运公司对卢克石油公司的供应服务感到满意,卢克石油将为阿曼船运公司提供将合作关系再延长两年的选择,最终协议期限将达到5年。 阿曼船运公司首席运营官 David Stockley上尉表示:“我们的业务关系始于5年前,从那时起,我们通过信任和尊重发展成稳固的合作关系,事实证明,这对两家公司来说是共赢的。从2014年我们合作的那一刻起,卢克石油船用润滑油公司就通过不断向阿曼船运公司提供可靠的产品和服务,展示了其极致的专业精神,这也是我们决定正式与他们签署这份合同的一个重要因素。随着我们共同迈进,我们渴望在未来五年我们的关系能够得到进一步发展。” 卢克石油船用润滑油公司董事June Manoharan表示:“今天对我们公司来说是一个重要的日子,因为我们成功地与阿曼船运公司达成了一项协议,将继续加强我们的长期合作关系,此举旨在提高他们已经享有良好声誉的船运能力。虽然我们是专业生产和销售船用润滑油的公司,但我们也为能以最高的标准为客户服务而自豪,在这种情况下,我们很高兴看到我们的努力得到了肯定,阿曼航运公司也对我们继续供应他们船只表现出了极大的信任。” 程张翔 编译自 石油和天然气管道新闻 原文如下: Lukoil marine unit signs 3-yr Oman Shipping supply deal Lukoil’s marine lubricants unit in the Middle East signed a three-year supply contact with Oman Shipping Company. According to the agreement, Lukoil Marine Lubricants Middle East will cover Oman Shipping’s fleet of 39 vessels consisting of Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC), Product Tankers, Chemical Tankers, LPG Carriers, Very Large Ore Carriers (VLOCs) and Bulk Carriers. The deal provides Oman Shipping the option of extending the partnership an additional two years to ultimately bring the agreement to a total of five years, granted the company finds Lukoil’s supply services satisfactory. Capt. David Stockley, chief operations officer of Oman Shipping Company said: “Our business relationship first began five years ago and since then it has blossomed through trust and respect into a solid partnership which has proved to be beneficial for both companies. From the moment we partnered in 2014, Lukoil Marine Lubricants has demonstrated extreme professionalism through repeatedly providing Oman Shipping Company with reliable products and services, a major factor which swayed our decision of rightfully awarding them this contract. As we move forward, we are eager to develop our relationship even further in the next five years.” June Manoharan, director of Lukoil Marine Lubricants said, “Today is a momentous day for our company as we have successfully reached an agreement to continue building upon our long-term relationship with Oman Shipping Company with the intent of heightening their already reputable fleet. Although we specialize in the production and marketing of marine lubricants, we also pride ourselves in serving our clients to the utmost standard and in this case, we are excited to see that our efforts have been appreciated. Oman Shipping Company has shown great trust in allowing us to continue supplying their vessels.”  
