

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年2月20日休斯顿报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)周二表示,位于德克萨斯州西部和新墨西哥州的二叠纪盆地3月份非常规石油日产量将首次突破400万桶的大关。 EIA在其月度钻井生产力报告中说,同样是在3月份,美国非常规石油日产量将比2月份增加8.4万桶,总日产量将接近840万桶。 今年3月份,二叠纪盆地非常规石油日产量平均将为402.4万桶,比2月份增加了4.3万桶。这超过了为2月份预计的2.3万桶/天的石油产量增加。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: US unconventional oil production seen crossing 4 mil b/d in the Permian for first time in March: EIA US unconventional oil production is predicted to cross the 4 million b/d mark from the Permian Basin in West Texas and New Mexico for the first time next month, the US Energy Information Administration said Tuesday. Also in March, total US unconventional oil production growth should rise 84,000 b/d month on month for a total just shy of 8.4 million b/d, the EIA said in its monthly Drilling Productivity Report. Permian oil production should weigh in averaging 4.024 million b/d in March, up 43,000 b/d on the month. That is more than the 23,000 b/d of oil output growth predicted for February.  
