中国石化新闻网讯 据Oil & Gas Journal网站2月19日休斯顿报道 2月18日布伦特原油价格在伦敦市场达到66.83美元/桶的高点,随后下跌至66.25美元/桶,美国市场2月18日因总统日假期休市。 2月19日,油价下跌,分析人士将这归因于对中美贸易谈判和全球经济增长放缓的担忧。 2月18日,布伦特原油4月期货收于66.26美元/桶,上涨1.68美元,而布伦特原油5月期货上涨1.70美元,收于66.22美元/桶。 2月18日,欧佩克原油价格为66.03美元/桶,上涨1.16美元。 王磊 摘译自 Oil & Gas Journal 原文如下: Brent crude oil approached $67/bbl to start week Brent crude oil reached a high of $66.83/bbl on the London market Feb. 18 before falling to settle at $66.25/bbl while US markets were closed Feb. 18 for the Presidents’ Day holiday. Oil prices dropped on Feb. 19, which analysts attributed to concerns about US-China trade talks and slowing economic growth worldwide. On Feb. 18, Brent for April closed at $66.26/bbl, up $1.68, while Brent for May rose $1.70 to close at $66.22/bbl. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries basket of crudes was $66.03/bbl, up $1.16, on Feb. 18.