

中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸工程2月19日报道称,沙特阿美公司和National Oilwell Varco公司(NOV)最近召开了第一次阿拉伯钻机制造公司(ARM)董事会会议。 ARM是一家新成立的公司,是由NOV(拥有合资公司70%的股份)和沙特阿美公司共同组建的合资企业(JV)。会议的重点包括任命高级官员和批准公司的品牌战略。 这一合资伙伴关系将在朱拜勒以北80公里的Ras al-Khair建立一个世界级的陆上钻井平台和设备制造及售后服务设施。这个现代化的综合设施每年可生产10台钻机,为中东和北非地区提供服务。 ARM将占地超过50万平方米,将成为迄今为止最先进的钻机,钻井设备和售后服务设施。 该综合体将补充工程,培训,服务和维修能力,并具有额外的跨功能效率和设计灵活性,以满足市场需求和技术进步。 徐蕾 摘译自 离岸工程 原文如下: Saudi Aramco Lauches Arabian Rig Manufacturing 原文链接: Saudi Aramco and National Oilwell Varco Incorporated (NOV) recently held the first Arabian Rig Manufacturing (ARM) Board of Managers meeting. ARM is a newly formed company, a joint venture (JV) between NOV (owning 70% of the JV’s shares) and Saudi Aramco. Highlights of the meeting included the appointment of senior officials and the approval of the company’s branding strategy. The JV partnership will establish a world-class onshore rig and equipment manufacturing and aftermarket facility in Ras al-Khair, 80 kilometers north of Jubail. The modern, integrated facility will have the capacity to produce 10 rigs per year to serve the Middle East and North Africa region. Spanning over 500,000 square meters, ARM will be the single largest state-of-the-art rig, drilling equipment, and aftermarket facility to date. The complex will complement engineering, training, service, and repair capabilities, with additional cross-functional efficiency and design flexibility to address market requirements and technological advancements.  
