

中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸工程2月19日消息称,卡塔尔石油公司(QP)计划在2024年前建造4条液化天然气生产线,并将其年生产能力从目前的7700万吨提高到1.1亿吨,届时将订购60艘新的液化天然气运输船,为新客户提供服务。 《海湾时报》的一篇报道援引能源部长兼卡塔尔石油公司CEO萨阿德·本·谢里达·卡比的话说,这家国有石油公司有一个团队,正在与全球不同的造船商进行谈判。 他说:“我们将需要50至60艘船来运输扩大后的液化天然气产量。这一数字将非常可观,但随着时间的推移,情况将变得明朗。” 他补充说:“我们有一个专门的专家团队,他们已经在(收购船只)这一领域展开工作。他们参观了世界各地的不同造船厂。将采取国际招标来采购这些船舶。一切按计划进行。 当被问及卡塔尔是否正在考虑在该国建造液化天然气运输船时,他表示:“我们没有这样的计划,因为在该国建造这样的船只会非常昂贵。我们将在国外制造它们。” 他说,Nakilat在拉斯拉凡工业城拥有一个设备精良的大型造船厂,并与其合作伙伴利用专业知识和低成本的原材料和人力建造了许多船舶,但LNG运输船的建造需要不同专业知识,这使得QP主要面向已证明在该领域具备专业经验的韩国。 这是他第二次指出,QP正在寻求韩国和其他国家的造船需求。 曹海斌 摘译自 离岸工程 原文如下: Qatar to Buy Up to 60 New LNG Vessels Qatar Petroleum (QP) is expected to order 60 new liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers to serve new customers once it ramps up its annual capacity from the current 77 million tonnes (mt) to 110 mt after building four liquefaction trains by 2024. A report in Gulf Times quoted the Minister of State for Energy Affairs Saad bin Sherida al-Kaabi, who is also president and CEO of QP saying that the state-run oil company has a team, which is in talks with different ship builders worldwide. “It should be between 50 and 60 vessels that we will require to transport the expanded output of LNG. It will be very substantial number, but things will become clear with time,” he said. He added: “We have a dedicated team of experts who are already working on that element (to acquiring vessels). They have visited different shipbuilders around the world. There will be international tenders put in place to procure the ships. Everything is going ahead as per the plan. Asked if Qatar is considering building LNG carriers in the country itself, he said, “We have no such plans as it would be very expensive to build such vessels in the country. We will get them manufactured outside the country.” He said that Nakilat has a large and well-equipped shipyard in Ras Laffan Industrial City and has built a number of vessels with its partners, taking advantage of its expertise and low cost of raw materials and manpower, but the building of LNG carriers needs different expertise, which makes QP mostly geared towards South Korea that has proven its expertise in this field. This is for the second time that he noted that QP is looking to South Korea and other countries for its ship building needs.  
