

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界能源新闻网2月16日伦敦报道,国际石油巨头法国道达尔公司最近获得了一个大型海上发现的南非周五表示,南非在本国海岸以外海域拥有高达60万亿立方英尺的潜在天然气资源。 法国道达尔公司首席执行官帕特里克·波漾上周曾表示,道达尔公司在南非南部海岸以外的乌特尼夸盆地成功钻探了Brulpadda远景构造以后,其海上发现可能包含10亿桶总资源量。 南非政府内阁发表声明称:“南非海域拥有90亿桶石油和60万亿立方英尺或110亿桶油当量天然气的潜在资源量。” 南非政府希望道达尔公司的发现将刺激本国海上的油气勘探热潮,南非萨索尔、意大利埃尼公司和美国埃克森美孚公司等国际大公司拥有南非近海勘探探区。 李峻 编译自 世界能源新闻网 原文如下: South Africa: Has Up to 60 tcf of Offshore Gas Potential South Africa, where oil major Total recently made a big offshore discovery, said on Friday it had potential gas resources of up to 60 trillion cubic feet in waters off its coast.
Last week Total’s chief executive said its offshore discovery probably contained 1 billion barrels of total resources, after successfully drilling its Brulpadda prospects in the Outeniqua Basin off South Africa’s southern coast. “South Africa has potential resources of nine billion barrels of oil and 60 trillion cubic feet or 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent of gas offshore,” a cabinet statement said. The government is hopeful Total’s find will spur an exploration boon, with Sasol, Eni and Exxon Mobil Corp among those with offshore exploration acreage.  
