

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社多哈报道,周一,卡塔尔石油与石油服务公司斯伦贝谢和贝克休斯签署了价值超过90亿卡塔尔里亚尔(合24.7亿美元)的初步协议,以促进当地能源产业的发展。 卡塔尔是世界上最大的液化天然气出口国,正面临一些阿拉伯国家的贸易抵制,它希望减少对进口的依赖,提高国内产量。 卡塔尔石油首席执行长Saad al-Kaabi在与斯伦贝谢和贝克休斯签署谅解备忘录时表示:“作为我们发展卡塔尔工业和促进自力更生的国家义务的一部分,我们认为有必要将能源行业的许多辅助产业本地化。” Kaabi说,初步协议将涉及对生产设施、培训和开发的投资。另一家石油服务公司McDermott与卡塔尔天然气运输公司(Naqilat)签署了一项合资协议,为海上和陆上建筑建造海上平台,但没有给出任何价格。 卡塔尔预计在建立了当地能源工业后,可通过进口替代每年节省大约90亿里亚尔,但Kaabi没有给出目标日期。 卡塔尔的目标是到2023-2024财年,将其液化天然气年产量提高43%,从现在的每年7700万吨提高到每年1.1亿吨。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Qatar Petroleum signs initial deals to boost local energy industry Qatar Petroleum signed preliminary deals worth more than 9 billion Qatari riyals ($2.47 billion) on Monday with oil services firms Schlumberger and Baker Hughes to boost the local energy industry. Qatar, the world’s top liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter which is facing a trade boycott by some Arab states, wants to reduce reliance on imports and lift domestic production. “As part of our national duty to develop the industry in Qatar and to promote self-reliance, we saw the need to localize many of the supporting industries in the sector,” QP Chief Executive Officer Saad al-Kaabi said at an event to sign memorandums of understanding with Schlumberger and Baker Hughes. The preliminary agreements would involve investment in production facilities, training and development, Kaabi said. Another oil services firm McDermott signed a joint venture deal with Qatar’s energy shipping and transport firm Naqilat to build maritime platforms for offshore and onshore structures, Kaabi said, without giving a value. Qatar expected to save about 9 billion riyals a year through import substitution after building up its local energy industry, Kaabi, without giving a target date. Qatar aims to boost its annual LNG output by 43 percent by 2023/24 to 110 million tonnes per year from 77 million now.​
