

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社2月14日新德里报道,周四,泰利安(Tellurian)在一份声明中表示,印度天然气进口商Petronet与该公司签署了初步协议,投资其在美国路易斯安那州的Driftwood项目,并购买液化天然气(LNG) 这一交易是在美印高层商业对话期间达成的,旨在促进贸易和投资,如果交易成功,这将是Petronet在美国的首次投资。 泰利安高级副总裁Amos Hochstein通过视频连接,与Petronet液化天然气官员签署了一份谅解备忘录(在Petronet董事总经理Prabhat Singh的陪同下)。 印度正在扩大其管道网络,并建造新的LNG进口终端,以促进其使用更清洁的燃料。 印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪设定了一个目标,即在未来几年里,将天然气在印度整体能源结构中所占的比例从6.5%提高到15%。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: India Petronet signs initial deal to invest, buy LNG from Tellurian Indian gas importer Petronet LNG on Thursday signed an initial agreement with Tellurian Inc to invest in its proposed Driftwood project in Louisiana in the United States and buy liquefied natural gas (LNG), Tellurian said in a statement. The deal, reached during a high level U.S.-India commercial dialogue to advance trade and investment, will represent Petronet’s first U.S. investment if it works out. Amos Hochstein, Senior Vice President in Tellurian Inc, signed the memorandum of understanding with a Petronet LNG official via a video link in the presence of Prabhat Singh, managing director of the Indian company. India is expanding its pipeline network and building new LNG import terminals to boost its use of the cleaner fuel. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set a target to raise the share of natural gas in India’s overall energy mix to 15 percent in the next few years from about 6.5 percent.​  
