Topaz Energy 以及Marine与哈萨克斯坦Tengizchevroil合资公司签订总额超过3.5亿美元合同,为Tengizchevroil提供15艘作业船。
Tengizchevroil合资公司在哈萨克斯坦的油气勘探、开采、生产以及原油、液化石油气销售等领域占有重要的地位。其中,Chevron 持股50%,KazMunaiGas NC JSC 持20%,ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Ventures Inc. 占25%,LukArco 持股5%。
来自/WorldOil 5月12日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创
Topaz Energy and Marine has, in a consortium led by Blue Water Shipping, secured a contract to supply and operate 15 vessels for the Tengizchevroil joint venture in Kazakhstan for a contract value in excess of $350 million.
Under the terms of the agreement, Topaz will commission the construction of 15 newly designed Module Carrying Vessels (MCVs). The vessels will commence work in second-quarter 2018 for a minimum contract period of three years. The deal brings Topaz’s backlog to $1.6 billion.
The vessels have been designed in collaboration with Vard Shipyard Group as the designated shipyard, and crafted to navigate shallow river systems as they transport modules and cargoes through the Russian waterways to Tengiz oil field in Kazakhstan. The 123-m long vessels will be built in three Vard yards in Romania and Vietnam.
Tengizchevroil is a Kazakhstani partnership that explores, develops, produces and markets crude oil, LPG, dry gas and sulfur. The current partners are Chevron (50%), KazMunaiGas NC JSC (20%), ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Ventures Inc. (25%) and LukArco (5%).
- 张弘引
- 毕业于南开大学翻译系,具有丰富的翻译经验,能够快速、准确地将全球油气动向以中英文双语进行报道。提供专业化、全方位的国际资讯服务,呈现纷繁世界的精彩之处,满足中国企业了解世界、融入世界的需求。