CALGARY, Alberta — Husky Energy公司已经开始在加拿大Saskatchewan省Vawn Lloyd Thermal项目进行蒸汽热采。Vawn项目日石油产量为10,000桶,预计将在第三季度初开始产油。
Husky在一项声明中表示:Lloyd thermal项目是将Husky转变为低成本运营企业的关键因素之一。2016年末,Husky公司40%的产品产自低成本运营项目,而2010年仅有8%的产品产自低成本运营项目。
Edam East项目日产油量为10,000桶,于今年4月中旬开始产油。Edam West项目日产油量为4,500桶,将从2016年第三季度开始产油。
Husky首席执行官Asim Ghosh表示:Husky今年将完成三个热采项目,而Vawn Lloyd Thermal项目则是其中的第二个项目。Vawn项目能够在不超过预算的情况下提前完成,这表明Husky发展热采项目的专业技术水平得到提升。石油圈原创
来自/World Oil 5月12日消息 编译/赵宁
CALGARY, Alberta — Husky Energy has started steam operations at the Vawn Lloyd Thermal Project in Saskatchewan,Canada. The 10,000-bpd Vawn development is expected to produce first oil early in the third quarter.
The Lloyd thermal projects are a key component of Husky’s ongoing transition into a low sustaining capital business, the company said in a statement. By the end of 2016, more than 40% of overall production is expected to come from low sustaining capital projects compared to just 8% in 2010.
The 10,000 bopd Edam East development began production in mid-April. The 4,500 bopd Edam West project is set to begin production in the third quarter of 2016.
“This is the second of three thermal projects we will be commissioning this year,” said CEO Asim Ghosh. “We are ahead of schedule and under budget with Vawn, an indication of our growing expertise in developing these thermal projects.”
- 赵宁
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