中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网2月13日休斯敦报道,国有的Sonatrach公司与Larsen & Toubro有限公司的子公司L&T烃类工程公司(LTHE)签订了一份合同,为阿尔及利亚西南部阿德拉尔省相邻的三个中央天然气处理厂提供工程、采购、施工和调试服务。 Larsen & Toubro称,根据合同,LTHE将向Hassi Ba Hamou和Reg mouade油田的工厂(600万立方米/日)、Hassi Tidjerane油田的工厂(400万立方米/日)和Tinerkouk油田的工厂(400万立方米/日)交付EPCC。 每个中央处理厂模块将在内部组装,以实现各领域的标准化,将配备分离、压缩系统、汞去除、气体脱水和烃类露点控制能力。 Larsen&Toubro对土耳其EPCC合同的总价进行了评估,该合同还包括工厂的场外安装和公用设施,价值超过700亿卢比。 关于中央处理地点的进一步细节——包括它们的交付时间——没有披露。 孔丽炜 摘译自OGJ网 原文如下: Sonatrach lets contract for southwest Algerian gas plants State-owned Sonatrach has let a contract to Larsen & Toubro Ltd. subsidiary L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering (LTHE) to provide engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning services for three central gas processing plants near to each other in southwest Algeria’s Adrar Province. The contract specifies that LTHE will deliver EPCC for a 6-million cu m/day plant at Hassi Ba Hamou and Reg Mouaded field, a 4-million cu m/day plant at Hassi Tidjerane field, and a 4-million cu m/day plant at Tinerkouk field, Larsen & Toubro said. Each of the central processing plant modules, which will be fabricated in-house to achieve standardization across the fields, will be equipped with separation, compression system, mercury removal, gas dehydration, and hydrocarbon dewpoint control capabilities. Larsen & Toubro valued the lump-sum turkey EPCC contract, which also covers off-site installations and utilities for the plants, at more than 70 billion rupees. Further details regarding the central processing sites—including timeframes for their commissioning—were not disclosed.