

中国石化新闻网讯 据Trade Arabia2月13日麦纳麦报道,巴林石油部长Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa说,中东地区有望成为乙烯工业的中心,因为该地区有能力以具有竞争力的价格提供原材料。 在第三届乙烯中东乙烯技术会议暨展览会(EMET)开幕仪式上,Shaikh Mohammed表示,阿拉伯海湾地区是世界上主要的乙烯供应商,在石油化工领域占有重要地位。 他强调,确定利用乙烯市场获利方式的最佳途径是了解这个重要行业的趋势和即将发生的变化。 部长强调了生物石化行业可持续发展的重要性,生物石化行业通过吸引技术和人力,在实现全球竞争优势方面发挥着关键作用。 除了满足无疑有助于降低成本的客户的要求和期望之外,部长强调,可持续性是确保成功和繁荣的持续性的唯一途径。 孔丽炜 摘译自Trade Arabia 原文如下: Region poised to grow as hub for ethylene industry: Minister The Middle East region is poised to grow as a hub for the ethylene industry because of its ability to provide raw materials at a competitive price, Bahrain’s Oil Minister Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa said. Inaugurating the third Ethylene Middle East Technology Conference and Exhibition (EMET), Shaikh Mohammed said the Arabian Gulf region holds a prime position in the world of petrochemical industry as it is the main supplier of ethylene in the world. He stressed that the best way to identify profitable ways of taking advantage of the ethylene market is to understand the trends and impending shifts in the dynamics of this important industry. The minister emphasised the importance of sustainability in the bio-petrochemical sector, which plays a key role in achieving global competitive advantage by attracting skills and manpower. As well as meeting the requirements and expectations of customers that undoubtedly contribute to reducing costs, the minister stressed that sustainability is the only way to ensure the continuity of success and prosperity.  
