

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年2月12日伦敦报道,石油输出国组织(欧佩克)为2019年描绘了一幅悲观的图景,由于需求增长疲软和该组织以外产油国产量大幅上升,预计今年全球对欧佩克原油的需求量将下降。 欧佩克周二发布的月度石油市场报告显示,欧佩克14个成员1月份的平均石油日产量为3081万桶,低于去年12月份的3160万桶,环比平均日减71万桶。 自去年12月跌至15个月低点以来,油价已有所回升,洲际交易所(ICE)布伦特原油本周的交易价格超过了每桶62美元。 在维也纳举行的上一次欧佩克会议上,欧佩克成员国同意将石油日产量削减81.2万桶,俄罗斯和其他9个非欧佩克产油国承诺在2019年前6个月里将石油日产量削减38.3万桶。 欧佩克研究部门预计,今年上半年全球对其原油的平均日需求量将在3062万桶,比上个月减少了大约19万桶。2018年,全球对欧佩克原油的日均需求量为3160万桶。 李峻 编译字普氏能源资讯 原文如下: OPEC produced 30.81 mil b/d in Jan, 220,000 b/d above 2019 demand for its crude oil OPEC has painted a bearish picture for 2019, with demand for its crude oil expected to fall due to weak demand growth and a sharp rise in output from producers outside the group. The group’s 14 members pumped 30.81 million b/d in January, down from 31.60 million b/d in December, according to its Monthly Oil Market Report Tuesday. Oil prices have recovered since December, when they fell to a 15-month low, with ICE Brent trading above $62/b this week. At the last OPEC meeting in Vienna, the group’s members agreed to slash output by 812,000 b/d, with Russia and nine other non-OPEC allies committing to a cut of 383,000 b/d for the first six months of 2019. OPEC’s research division estimates demand for its crude will average 30.62 million b/d in the first half of 2019, around 190,000 b/d lower than last month. Demand for OPEC crude in 2018 averaged 31.60 million b/d.
