

中国石化新闻网讯 据石油世界网2月13日里约热内卢报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司将使用一个突破性项目首次进军巴西发电行业,这个突破性项目将使用来自这个国家广袤的海上盐下气藏的天然气。 这家欧洲石油巨头将与日本三菱日立电力系统公司(MHPS)和当地私人股本基金管理公司Patria合作来开发565兆瓦Marlim Azul发电厂,后者将由壳牌公司麾下巴西子公司供应发电原料。 壳牌公司是巴西第二大天然气生产商,仅次于巴西国家石油公司。 这个耗资7亿美元的项目计划于2022年1月在里约热内卢州开始运营。 这个发电厂将是伴生天然气发电的一次重要试验。最近对巴西新建天然气发电项目的投资主要集中在与进口液化天然气或国内陆上干气相关的项目上。 Patria将拥有这个项目的50.1%股份,壳牌公司将拥有29.9%股份以及MHPS将拥有20%股份。 李峻 编译自 世界石油网 原文如下: Shell to tap Brazil pre-salt gas for power project Shell is making its first foray into Brazilian power generation with a ground-breaking project that will use natural gas from the country´s extensive offshore pre-salt deposits.
The European major will partner with Japan’s Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (MHPS) and local private equity fund manager Patria to develop the 565MW Marlim Azul power plant that will be supplied by Shell´s Brazilian subsidiary.
Shell is the second largest gas producer in Brazil after Brazilian state-controlled Petrobras.
The $700mn project to be built in Rio de Janeiro state is scheduled to begin operating in January 2022.
The Marlim Azul plant will be an important test for the use of associated gas in power generation. Recent investment in greenfield gas-based generation in Brazil has mostly been in projects tied to imported LNG or domestic onshore dry gas.
Patria will hold 50.1pc in the project, Shell will have a 29.9pc stake and MHPS 20pc.  
