2015年末,READ发布其全新的微漏探测(Micro-leak Detection)技术,旨在确保作业安全性,为现场井筒完整性管理决策提供快速可靠的答案,以达到减少非生产时间的目的。
联合攻关 共克难题石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
这套检测解决方案结合了GE油气公司的NTO(Acoustic Noise Tool)声学检测工具以及READ的微漏探测服务产品技术。READ的研发团队在业内有着良好的声誉,他们与合作伙伴一同为客户设计、研发、实施解决挑战的创新方法。作为早期的NTO技术采用者,READ与GE油气公司合作,现场测试NTO技术,这加快了微漏探测服务的发展。
“READ公司的微漏探测技术是与GE油气公司合作的成果”,READ公司技术总监Tobben Tymons称,“我们也与横跨北海及中东的客户紧密合作,研究解决问题的方案,提供更优质的服务以及为作业者提供快速的解决方案,使作业者能够在不同类型的油井,及油井不同的生命周期内及时辨识与井筒完整性有关的风险。”
“我们提供的信息可以帮助作业者提前规划并评估井筒完整性相关问题,可以通过降低和预防风险以达到节约时间和资源之目的。GE油气公司被认为是业内电缆和测井技术的领先者, READ很荣幸与GE持续保持良好的合作关系,共同在油田现场测试和商业化新技术上合作,这也给行业带来了价值。”
“此项技术是扩展READ研发能力的一个很好的平台。我们的目标是为市场提供持续的创新解决方案,我们很兴奋2015年以微漏探测技术的新闻发布作为结束,READ公司CEO Roy Martin说,我有信心2016年我们会保持这股强劲势头。”
“对于READ来说,与GE保持合作,共同为行业提供高效的解决方案至关重要。同时,我们也希望我们的持续发展能成为一种趋势,”READ主席Gavin Prise说。
“GE同样致力于与其客户保持良好的合作研发关系,READ的技术能力使高质量的数据变成可视化的信息,这可以让我们快速测试并向市场发布新的NTO声学检测工具。我们也希望与READ保持合作关系,为行业提供切实可行的解决方案。”GE油气产品线经理Craig Feherty说。
- 油管泄露探测
- 套管泄露探测
- 完井部件泄露探测
- 环空流动性评估
- 固井/层间隔离评估
- 单次检测可完成综合的多屏障检查
- 可配合钢丝、电缆、连续油管或者牵引机进行作业
- 设计可用来配合全套井筒完整性工具,及生产测井工具
- 适用于斜井,包括水平井
- READ可提供全套的综合测井分析和报告服务
- 温度级别 :350°F (177°C)
- 压力级别 :20,000 psi (138 MPa)
- 材质:防腐蚀材料
来自/READ Cased Hole 译者/白小明 编辑/Lemon
READ launches a new Micro-leak Detection solution to help maximise operational safety and minimise downtime by delivering fast and reliable answers for on the spot well integrity management decisions. The diagnostic solution combines GE Oil & Gas’ NTO Acoustic Noise Tool and READ’s Micro-leak Detection service line. The solution creates a detailed map of downhole acoustic energy, which when combined with measurements from flowmeter and fast response temperature sensors, enables precision location of leak sites, identification of active flow pathways and determination of the sources of flow energy. READ’s specially developed Micro-leak Detection software segregates the acquired acoustic data according to the frequency of the captured sound energy enabling spectral analyses of the data and accurate diagnosis of unwanted flow events associated with well integrity issues.
READ’s team of in-house expert analysts worked extensively on the Micro-leak Detection technology, focussing on data processing and visualization software development and investing over a year into field trials. As a result of the accuracy of the derived information and speed of response provided by the service operators gain the factual, to-the-minute, intelligence they need in order to optimise their strategy for remediation.
The team at READ have a reputation for working in partnership with customers to devise, develop and implement innovative ways of solving well challenges. As an early adopter, READ partnered with GE Oil & Gas on field trials of the NTO technology, accelerating delivery of the Micro-leak Detection service line that is now being deployed across slickline, electric line, coil tubing and tractor-conveyed well interventions worldwide. READ continues to push boundaries for the adoption of specialized well integrity diagnostic solutions by offering robust, effective, every day value alternatives to the high-premium services that are currently offered for similar applications.
“READ’s Micro-leak Detection technology is the result of a collaboration with GE Oil & Gas, said Tobben Tymons, READ’s Technical Director. We also worked closely with our customers across the North Sea and Middle East regions to develop a solution that delivers enhanced performance and fast-response analysis allowing operators to quickly identify integrity issues on wells of all types and stages in their life cycle. The information we provide allows operators to plan and prioritise their response to integrity issues, therefore saving time and resources through risk reduction and time loss prevention. GE Oil & Gas is a recognized industry leader in wireline and logging technology, and we at READ are proud to continue our relationship by partnering with them on field trials and commercialising new technologies that add value to the industry, added Tymons.”
“This technology is an excellent platform for expanding READ’s R&D capabilities. We aim to deliver a steady stream of innovative solutions to the markets and we are thrilled that we brought 2015 to a close with news on the micro-leak detection technology, said Roy Martin, READ’s CEO, and I have full confidence that we will keep the momentum going in 2016.”
“It is important for us at READ to continue our collaboration with GE Oil & Gas working on solutions that bring efficiency to the industry. Needless to say we hope it’s a trend that will continue growing strong,” said Gavin Prise, READ Chairman.
GE is committed to working in true partnership with its customers. READ’s ability to turn quality data into actionable information allowed us to quickly test and launch the new NTO Acoustic Noise Tool technology to the marketplace. We look forward to continuing our relationship with READ to deliver more result driven solutions for the industry,” said Craig Feherty, Product Line Manager, GE Oil & Gas.
NTO Noise Tool
The Noise Tool (NTO) features a precise and accurate sensor for locating the source of undesired fluid movements within a well, including tubing and casing leaks, annular flow, underground blowouts and lost circulation zones. It can be combined with fast response temperature, quartz pressure and spinner tools to provide a comprehensive leak evaluation service.
This highly sensitive piezoelectric hydrophone sensor detects downhole acoustic signals across a wide frequency band, including those generated by fluid movement, particle impact, gas expansion, cavitation and other mechanical effects.
The onboard digital signal processor captures and analyses the frequency spectrum of the recorded signals before storing into memory or transmitting to surface in real-time.
- Tubing leak detection
- Casing leak detection
- Completion item leak detection
- Annular flow evaluation
- Cement / zonal isolation evaluation
- Comprehensivemulti-barrier inspection from a single run in the well
- Deployable on Slickline, Electric line, Coil Tubing or Tractor
- Designed to be run in combination with full suite of well integrity tools and for production logging
- Suitable for all well deviations, including horizontal
- Comprehensive range of log analysis and report sevices available from READ
- Temperature rating :350°F (177°C)
- Pressure rating :20,000 psi (138 MPa)
- Materials :Corrosion resistant throughout
- Demons
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