

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社开罗报道,道达尔公司首席执行官Patrick Pouyanne周一告诉路透社,该公司致力于继续在塞浦路斯的勘探工作,这是2019年主要勘探活动的一部分,勘探重点是已知含有商业石油和天然气的地区。 Pouyanne在开罗能源论坛场外发言时说,他正在讨论“我们未来钻探的延伸”,并致力于新的探索。 这位法国石油巨头的首席执行官还表示,他还在考虑在埃及开发下游石油化工资产,该公司已在埃及投资生产液化天然气项目。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Total CEO committed to Cyprus exploration and considering petrochemicals in Egypt CAIRO (Reuters) – Total is committed to continuing its exploration work in Cyprus, Chief Executive Patrick Pouyanne told Reuters on Monday, part of a major exploration campaign for 2019 focused on areas known to contain commercial levels of oil and gas. Speaking on the sidelines of an energy forum in Cairo, Pouyanne said he was discussing “the extension of our future drillings” and committed to new exploration. The French oil major’s CEO also said he was also considering development of downstream petrochemicals assets in Egypt, where the company has invested in producing liquefied natural gas (LNG).​
