

中国石化新闻网讯 据Neftegaz.RU开罗2月11日消息称,项目运营商英国石油公司和德国石油公司及LetterOne公司子公司DEA开始在西尼罗河三角洲河口的大陆架内开采两个气田——吉萨和法尤姆。 天然气来自最近建成的8口井并且通过新的水下基础设施和天然气管道进入海岸。油田的开发和天然气开采正按计划进行。最初吉萨和法尤姆日产4亿英尺(1130万立方米)天然气。 随后产量计划增加到7亿英尺/天(1980万立方米/天)。 BP作为项目运营商,参与份额为82.75%,DEA为17.25%。WND项目的油田距离亚历山大港大约65-85公里。凝析气田的开发分几个阶段进行。在第一个阶段,5个主要油田被开发:金牛座、天秤座、吉萨、法尤姆和乌鸦。第二阶段将开发更多的矿床。金牛座、天秤座、吉萨和法尤姆油田在上新统地层中含有天然气资源,乌鸦油田在中新统地层中含有天然气资源。 2015年3月,BP与DEA签订了WND项目的最终协议。2017年,WND项目中金牛座和天秤座首个气田投产。 它的试运行计划于2019年底完成。预计到2019年,WND项目总产量达到约14亿立方英尺/天(3960万立方米/天),这相当于埃及目前天然气产量的20%左右。所有生产的天然气将供应给埃及国内市场。 曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: BP started gas production at 2 new fields on the Egyptian shelf Cairo, Neftegaz.RU. The project operator BP and the DEA of Deutsche Erdoel AG, LetterOne subsidiary began production with 2 gas fields in the framework of the project at the mouth of West Nile Delta – Giza and Fayoum. Gas enters the coast from the recently completed 8 and wells through the new underwater infrastructure and gas pipelines. The development of fields and the start of gas production is on schedule. Initially Giza and Fayoum will produce about 400 million ft 3 / day (11.3 million m 3 / day) of gas. In the future, production is planned to increase to 700 million ft 3 / day (19.8 million m 3 / day). BP is the project operator, with a participation share of 82.75%, DEA -17.25%. The fields of the WND project are located approximately 65-85 km from Alexandria. Gas condensate fields (GKM) are developed in several stages. At the 1st stage, 5 main fields are developed: Taurus, Libra, Giza, Fayoum and Raven. At 2nd phase will develop additional deposits. The Taurus, Libra, Giza, and Fayoum fields contain gas resources in the Pliocene formations of the Neogene deposits, and the Raven field contains gas resources in the deeper Miocene formations. The final agreement on the project WND BP and DEA signed in March 2015. In 2017 was begun gas production from the first fields project WND Taurus and Libra. Its commissioning is scheduled for the end of 2019. It is expected that in 2019, the aggregate production within WND project reach about 1.4 billion cubic feet 3 / day (39.6 million m 3 / day), which is equivalent to approximately 20% of current gas production in Egypt. All gas produced will be supplied to the Egyptian domestic market.  
