
BP投资及Zohr油田高产 提振埃及市场

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社开罗报道,埃及官员周一表示,随着该国巨大的Zohr油田接近生产高峰,加上英国石油公司(BP)在Zohr油田18亿美元的投资,今年埃及的天然气产量将得到提振,埃及将恢复出口市场,并将自身定位为一个区域枢纽。 埃及希望利用其战略位置和发展良好的基础设施,成为关键的天然气国际贸易和集散地。对埃及来说,这可能是一个巨大的转变,埃及在2016年花费约30亿美元进口液化天然气。 近年来,埃及已经取得了一系列重大发现,包括地中海最大的气田Zohr,帮助吸引了在2011年撤出的部分投资者。 该国石油部长Tarek El Molla在开罗的一个能源论坛上说:“我们在短短三年时间里取得的成就已经开始引起所有人的关注,石油和天然气行业、金融机构等都对埃及很感兴趣。” 埃及现在希望利用长期未被充分利用的液化工厂,将天然气转化为液化天然气,与其邻国以色列一样,向地中海出口天然气,以色列表示将在今年晚些时候向埃及输送天然气。 埃及于去年9月进口了最后一批天然气,并表示将于今年开始向约旦出口天然气,但具体的发货量和时间仍不清楚。 目前埃及国内天然气日产量约为66亿立方英尺。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Egypt to see gas boost from BP fields, Zohr as Cairo returns to export market Egypt’s gas output will get a boost this year as the country’s huge Zohr field nears peak production and with $1.8 billion in investment from BP, officials said on Monday, as Egypt returns to export markets and positions itself as a regional hub. Egypt hopes to leverage its strategic location and well-developed infrastructure to become a key international trading and distribution center for gas, a potentially remarkable turnaround for a country that spent about $3 billion on annual liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports as recently as 2016. It has made a series of big discoveries in recent years, including Zohr, the largest gas field in the Mediterranean, helping to draw back investors that had pulled away after a 2011 uprising led to mounting debt payments. “What we have achieved in only three years has started to attract the attention of everybody — everybody in oil and gas industry, financial organizations … everyone is looking to Egypt with interest,” Petroleum Minister Tarek El Molla told an energy forum in Cairo. Egypt is now hoping to tap long underutilized liquefaction plants, where gas is turned into LNG, to export supplies across the Mediterranean along with that of its neighbors, like Israel, which said it would pipe gas to Egypt later this year. Egypt imported its final natural gas shipment last September, and said it will begin exporting to Jordan this year, though the exact level of shipments and timeline is still unclear. Its domestic production level stands at about 6.6 billion cubic feet per day.​  
