中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网1月30日加州圣拉蒙报道,美国雪佛龙公司麾下全资子公司雪佛龙美国公司(CUSA)日前与巴西国家石油公司麾下美国分公司签署了一项资产购买协议,以3.5亿美元的价格(不包括运营资本)收购帕萨迪纳炼油系统有限公司(PRSI)所有已发行的股票和权益,其中包括在德克萨斯州的帕萨迪纳炼油厂和PRSI交易有限责任公司。 雪佛龙公司在1月30日报告了这一情况。 此次收购将增加CUSA的炼油网络,包括位于密西西比州帕斯卡古拉的一家炼油厂,位于加利福尼亚州的埃尔塞贡多(El Segundo)和里士满(Richmond)的两家工厂以及位于犹他州盐湖城(Salt Lake)的炼油厂。 此次收购需符合惯例的成交条件,包括监管部门的批准。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网 原文如下: Chevron agrees with Petrobras to buy Pasadena Refinery System for $350 million Neftegaz.RU. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. (CUSA), a wholly owned subsidiary of Chevron Corporation, signed a share purchase agreement with Petrobras America Inc. (Petrobras) to acquire all the outstanding shares and equity interests of Pasadena Refining System, Inc., which includes the refinery in Texas, and PRSI Trading, LLC for $350 million, excluding working capital. Chevron reported this on January, 30. The acquisition will add to the refining network of CUSA, which includes a refinery in Pascagoula, Miss., two facilities in California, in El Segundo and Richmond, and the Salt Lake refinery in Utah. The acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals.